

How MFT Supports the NIS2 Directive and Oct. 2024 update

If you are not yet up to speed on the latest developments around the European Union’s (EU) NIS2 Directive, get ready, as they go into effect Oct. 17, 2024. That’s when Member States are required to have transposed the directive into national law. EU countries must have their national legislation on par with the NIS2 requirements and comply with the new, broader requirements. This update aims to...

Load Balancing Keeps Files Moving, Processes Running

Dreaded network bottlenecks and the ensuing risk of downtime are anxiety-producing situations for many IT teams. Afterall, uptime is how business gets done and when that fails, the domino effect can have serious repercussions. Load balancing, however, can act as a preventative, to keep network traffic flowing.What is Load Balancing?Load balancing is...

Considerations for Cloud File Transfers

Whether your organization is debating on moving your file transfer process entirely to the cloud, adopting a hybrid environment, or using a hosted SaaS solution, review the considerations below to help better clarify and get the organizational support needed for a cloud-based file transfer solution. There are no absolute right or wrong answers to...

Why is it Smart to Bundle Cybersecurity Solutions?

When it comes to cybersecurity, joining the individual strengths of separate solutions to defend against cybersecurity threats is just smart business.What are Some Recommended File Security Pairings?There’s no question that cybersecurity worries are at the top of the list for many organizations and their IT teams. As this Canalys Newsroom article...

Exchanging Large Files: What You Need to Know

Sending large files to trading partners, vendors, or even within your own organization can pose security risks, delivery failures, and other problems. Exchanging those files with a user-friendly managed file transfer solution can help mitigate these issues, no matter the file size. What’s the Problem with Sending Large Files? File not delivered....

Security and Automation Solutions for Proactive Cybersecurity

Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT is an integral part of the company’s cybersecurity offerings. Rather than operating as a singular, standalone managed file transfer (MFT) solution, GoAnywhere delivers secure file exchanges under the larger umbrella of Fortra. Formerly known as HelpSystems, the rebranded Fortra presents a simpler, stronger, more straightforward...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

Is MFT Integration Software?MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely.Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools and scripts—automation,...

Consolidate Your File Transfers with GoAnywhere MFT

Consolidation is the Stepping Stone to Successful File TransfersWhen you’re utilizing a managed file transfer (MFT) solution, consolidation is an impactful mechanism that helps you to make the most out of your file transfers.With GoAnywhere MFT, you can successfully bring together multiple different technologies and platforms all under one solution....

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Energy Companies

The Energy Industry is Moving at Light SpeedToday’s energy and utility companies face a number of evergreen issues, from adhering to mandatory regulations and cybersecurity standards, to being at a higher risk of data breaches, the industry is constantly weathering a turbulent and rapidly accelerating environment.To combat these risks and comply with...

How Does the DMZ Impact Security?

Your Secret Weapon for Data SecurityWhen weapons and military forces have been removed from active duty, this is referred to as “demilitarization.” On the internet, the demilitarized zone, or the DMZ, is a similar situation.What is the DMZ?The DMZ is the neutral network that resides between the Internet and your organization’s private network. It’s...

User Sharing and Collaboration: Security Concerns, Risks, and How to Securely Collaborate

Collaboration in the WorkspaceSecure collaboration tools that permit the sharing of sensitive data between users are quickly gaining momentum in the world of technology and file transfer.Although there are many benefits to utilizing these tools in the workspace, with user sharing and secure collaboration comes security concerns and a variety of...

Can Your MFT Solution Do These 20 Things?

The Possibilities Are VastGoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) can do so much more than just transfer sensitive data securely. Do you know if your MFT solution can do these 20 things?1. It Can Integrate with ApplicationsGoAnywhere offers out-of-the-box Connectors that let you easily integrate with the external cloud and any web apps you might use on...

What is a DMZ and Why Do You Need a DMZ Secure Gateway?

If you’ve watched a science-fiction movie about space travel, then you’ve likely seen some version of a scene in which an astronaut reenters their ship from the outside abyss. Because the ship exists as a haven from the dangerous environment of empty space, the astronaut cannot simply open the door and stroll directly into the cockpit. To do so would...

Which is Better: Dropbox vs. MFT?

So you’re looking for a way to securely share files with your team. Great! There are plenty of tools you can use today to collaborate and share documents as projects arise. Some are on-premises and other in the cloud, meaning you’ll likely find a solution that meets your organization’s unique needs. But are these commercial file sharing tools right...

5 Best Practices for IBM i File Transfers

Using IBM’s built-in FTP and Open SSH servers to transfer files to and from your IBM i systems can be time-consuming, if not simply riddled with fine details. From scripting knowledge to running specific (and sometimes obscure) commands, there’s a lot to consider—and the safety and integrity of your files is probably at the top of the list. ...

Reverse Proxy DMZ Secure Gateways Might Be the Missing Link in Your MFT Strategy

By now, most companies have gotten the message that their data—as well as the sensitive data belonging to customers and partners—needs reliable protection from unauthorized access. The ever growing regulatory environment is making it more and more painful for any company who does not take their data security seriously.The challenges of data...