

FileCatalyst IBC 2012 Wrap-up

FileCatalyst exhibited at the IBC (International Broadcasting Convention) show in Amsterdam, the expo portion having run from September 7–11. It is one of the biggest shows of its type in the world, and I always find it interesting to be a part of the team in attendance. With IBC 2012 behind us, here are some parting thoughts: It was hectic, and I mean that in the best way. This year’s attendance...

Why hardware solutions can never truly replace software for file transfer acceleration

In the world of file transfer acceleration, there are multiple approaches using both WAN Optimization appliances or pure software solutions like FileCatalyst. Hardware sometimes give the impression of perceived value; there is a tangibility that you just don’t get with software. But can a hardware solution on its own really replace software for file transfer acceleration? The answer is no. ...

Open Source Fast File Transfers

There exist a number of open source projects trying to tackle accelerated file transfer via UDP. Some solutions are more mature than others and also use different technologies to solve the same problem of large data transfer over WAN. This article should provide the reader enough information to compare the different solutions and gauge if an open source project could be used instead of purchasing...

Analysis On Improving Throughput Part 2: Memory

The life cycle of a file transfer follows this basic pattern: The first and last step in the diagram, Disk IO, were covered in Part 1 of the series: Improving Throughput Part 1: Disk IO. Disk IO is always a good place to start when analysing a system to see why files are not transferring fast enough. In the 2nd article in...

Analysis On Improving Throughput Part 1: Disk IO

This post is the first of a series and continues in Part 2: Memory In light of the release of FileCatalyst Direct v3.0, I thought I’d write a few articles about the road to achieving 10Gbps speeds. It seems to me the best place to start is with the endpoint of the transfer: the storage media. Why? Before we even think about the file transfer protocol, we have to be sure that our disks can keep up...

CriticalPast Introduces One of the World’s Largest Online Archives

On the 3rd of June, CriticalPast announced the launch of, an absolutely astonishing archive of historic footage and photographic images: From the press release on Business Wire: CriticalPast’s library of more than 57,000 video clips is drawn from government sources and digitized, making it easy for users to search CriticalPast...