

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws.Read on to discover how data...

The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2022: How to Avoid Cybersecurity Attacks

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest issues of our time. Organizations are gradually investing more and more into cybersecurity. Microsoft expects to be investing upwards of $1 billion a year on cybersecurity for the foreseeable future and they certainly won’t be the only organization to increase their spending. In 2019, organizations began...

What Are the Current Cyber Threat Trends in 2021?

Many current cyber threat trends hinge on change and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it’s a panicked email recipient falling for a phishing scheme, innovations in ransomware, or simply remote workforces offering larger surfaces to attack, the goal of each is to find gaps in your company’s cyber security armor.Here are the old, new...

Is On-Premises Enterprise File Sharing Right for Your Business?

Now that offices are re-opening and bringing employees back under one roof, do you need to revisit your on-premises file sharing solution?What is On-Premises File Sharing?Like other file sharing solutions, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box, on-premises file sharing solutions give employees flexibility in how and from where they access work...

How to Use Cloud Data Transfer Solutions Effectively

What is Cloud Data Transfer and Why Do Organizations Use It? Cloud data transfer is a process of moving data to and from a cloud computing environment. There are various needs that cloud transfers fulfill: one type of cloud data transfer takes data from a local, on-premises data center and brings it to the cloud. Another type of transfer moves...

Improve Your Big Data File Transfers: 11 Security Features to Consider

New challenges and new opportunities have arisen due to big data, which is altering the nature of file transfer technology.The Good NewsBig data is leading to new file sharing technology, which is making it easier to solve certain big data file transfer problems. On the other hand, it is increasing the bandwidth requirements companies face, including...

What Does Integration Buy You?

What Can Data Integration Buy You?Data integration is the practice of consolidating data from a number of sources into a single, unified, and consistent source.This way of configuring data does an excellent job of meeting the needs of business processes and is a key component of any thriving data security structure.Make the data integration process...

How Azure Works with GoAnywhere MFT

What is Azure? Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform comprised of more than 200 separate products and cloud services. Most organizations use Azure to host sites and applications in the cloud, or as part of a hybrid on-premises and cloud-based solution. Is Azure pronounced AH-zhur, AZH-urh, or a-ZHUR? You’ll hear it many different ways,...

How a Remote Workforce Impacts Your Data Security

You did it. Many months ago, you sent your employees home armed with their laptops, a few passwords, and a couple of Zoom invites. Now, hunkered down in their stretchy, comfy clothes, thankful for not having to commute, they’re carrying on the day-to-day business responsibilities for your organization. But is it really business as usual? Or is...

SFTP and the Cloud: How to Transfer Your Data Securely

Is SFTP Cloud Based?SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used to transfer files between your organization, trading partners, and enterprise servers. It helps to establish a secure data connection and protect files in transit. SFTP can be used for your cloud file transfer needs, but also for any on-premises file transfers you do.SFTP...

How MFT Agents Support Hybrid Cloud

What is Hybrid Cloud? Hybrid cloud combines private and public cloud services to collect, process, store, and exchange data. Secure hybrid cloud solutions are one of the most popular cloud environment strategies today, in part because they offer organizations greater flexibility than infrastructure that is either fully on-prem or fully in the...

iPaaS and MFT: What You Need to Know

Once upon a time, you carried an MP3 player to listen to music, a cell phone to text and make calls, and a book if you wanted to read. Video games and the internet? Best to use your preferred gaming device and home computer for those. Then came the smartphone – suddenly, everything is accessible from one location, and all you have to do is download the right app.Like a smartphone, iPaaS puts all...

What is a Cloud Connector?

The cloud and all its possibilities for connecting with customers, vendors, trading partners, and more is exciting. Managing your organization’s transition to the cloud – whether you’re contemplating a complete migration, or just moving a few business processes to a cloud environment, secure managed file transfer and cloud integrations – makes the...

How Amazon Web Services Works with GoAnywhere MFT

“Alexa, What is MFT?”While that may not be a question you’ve ever asked your virtual assistant, it’s not outside the realm of possibility – Amazon has quickly become ubiquitous for online shopping, streaming popular media, and even web hosting. Many IT teams have turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in search of storage, content delivery, or some other...

Pair Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution with Data Loss Prevention

Is Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution Enough? Enterprise file sharing solutions are already a great way to encrypt sensitive data in motion, but encryption alone is not enough. Can you ensure that sensitive information is not accidentally transmitted? Are you able to audit who is sending what? And last, but not least, are you protecting your...

3 Powerful Examples of MFT and DLP Paired in Action

On paper, combining two robust software products to form a more complete solution is a no-brainer. But how does it actually work in “real life?” First, let’s take a look at what the two solutions – adaptive data loss protection (A-DLP) and managed file transfer (MFT) – each offer to users. Then, we’ll highlight a few specific use cases where the...

SaaS vs. Cloud vs. On-Premises: What's the Difference?

The Best Things Come in ThreesSaaS, the cloud, and on-premises are all viable software deployment options when it comes to securing data and running an effective organization.The right option for your organization, however, will depend on your current operating setup, how much time your team can dedicate to upgrades and maintenance, and how flexible...

Is Dropbox Secure?

When it comes to file sharing software, Dropbox is often top of mind: many individuals and organizations use it to simplify their file sharing, syncing, and collaboration. But how secure is Dropbox, and is it right for your organization?To break down Dropbox security effectively, we’ll explain what Dropbox is.What is Dropbox?Dropbox was initially...

The IT Pro's Starting Guide to Cloud Computing

The Complete Guide to Cloud ComputingThere’s no doubt that cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage, share, and secure data.Cloud computing has been embraced by organizations of all sizes and industries and is expected to be worth $623.3 billion by 2023, according to Markets and Markets.The cloud is essentially a part of almost...

What’s the Difference Between the Cloud and SaaS?

The Cloud vs. SaaSThe cloud and SaaS may seem interchangeable when you consider their similarities. However, these two terms refer to very different things, both with their own defining characteristics. What is the Cloud?Although the cloud has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, it’s okay to not be 100% sure what it is exactly. The...