

13 Essential MFT Blog Posts You Might Have Missed

  Image There’s a lot out there (and just on this website) about what MFT (managed file transfer) software is, why it’s a good FTP alternative, and how to choose the best file transfer software for your business. That’s why we’ve selected 13 of our top blogs that answer those exactly those questions – and more. And because questions...

What is SOC 2 and Why it Matters for Security

  Image There are some things in life that should be a given: rollercoasters are inspected regularly, chefs wash their hands, and your organization’s file transfers are secure. That last is a little more nebulous to see immediate cause-and-effect (it’s not like your rollercoaster car rolling off the tracks or getting food poisoning!...

The Difference Between Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance

  Image Data privacy, data protection, and compliance: they’re similar, but not the same. If you’re like most IT professionals, you may have used these terms interchangeably, and with good reason: all data privacy laws deal with protection, many data protection laws have privacy at their heart, and both outline compliance...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

  Image Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws. Read...

Key Cybersecurity Takeaways from the EasyJet Data Breach

  Image A data breach can wreak financial and logistical havoc for companies who experience them, not to mention customers, employees, and others who depend on or work with the breached organization. And even though it seems like data breaches are becoming more pervasive, they continue to severely impact organizations’ carefully...

Meeting Compliance Regulations and Privacy Laws for Sensitive Data Transfers

  Image Comply with Data Security Requirements Highly sensitive data is exchanged between organizations on a constant basis making data security compliance more vital than ever to keep communication flowing. For instance, if a business routinely transmits financial information to their bank including payroll direct deposits and...