

HIPAA Compliance and File Transfer: What You Need to Know

Image HIPAA Compliance and File Transfer: What You Need to Know The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) secures the Protected Health Information (PHI) of healthcare system users within the United States. Since the Omnibus Rule went into effect in 2013, millions of healthcare “business associates” have been...

Fast File Transfer: Obstacles and Options

Image Fast, faster, and fastest. With technology comes the benefit of speed to get through tasks easier and yes, faster. Transferring files is no exception. Organizations want and need files to get to their destination quickly and reliably. What Might Slow Down a File Transfer? Getting that business-critical file where it needs to...

11 Popular File Transfer Protocols Explained

Edited on 5/8/2024 Check out the brief video below, which quickly covers these 11 file transfer protocols, their uses, and the security that comes along with them:  1. FTP 7. TCP 2. FTPS 8. AS2 3. SFTP 9. AS3 4. SCP 10. AS4 5 HTTP 11. PeSIT 6. HTTPS       As organizations have become...

Info-Tech Rates GoAnywhere Highly

GoAnywhere is an industry leader according to the well-respected Info-Tech Research Group. Read on to download the MFT Category Report and learn what goes into this rating.

Protecting Vital Government Information with MFT

Image When it comes to information security, few industries top the government – at all levels – when it comes to requirements and compliance designed to protect the sensitive data it collects, manages, and exchanges. And while it may seem like just more red tape, these standards and requirements are for the benefit of the people as...

How MFT Helps Move Large Files

Image What is Needed to Move Large Files? Big files need big solutions, or rather solutions capable of reliably and securely moving files in and out of an organization. Instead of relying on free or open-sourced solutions that “might” move a big file, consider your organization’s needs around file sizes, security, encryption,...

Collaboration Tools Like vs. MFT: What Do You Really Need?

Image Collaboration tools like and managed file transfer (MFT) tools like GoAnywhere MFT, are not the same. Both, however, have unique advantages, depending on your organization’s requirements around data. Box is a cloud-based tool for organizational teams to collaborate, manage, and store content. GoAnywhere MFT is a secure...

Custom Media Trends | Fast File Transferring Tools to Keep You Cutting-Edge

The broadcast media bubble has certainly expanded this past year, with new content forms trending throughout the industry. It is clear that remote collaboration and other new productivity methods must be implemented into workflows for productions to succeed. What has yet to be highlighted, is how the industry can continue to grow through the help of acceleration tools.  People...

Elevate Your Remote Video Production | Key Reasons You Should Turn to Fast File Transferring

Now more than ever, it’s apparent that video producers need to access their work remotely. There is an increasing demand to be able to continue with workflows uninterrupted so that production can move forward as usual. Many individuals in the industry are still using methods that create lag in their productivity. Typically, video producers are under tight deadlines. Going...

A UDP File Transfer Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Imagine this: you wrap up a long day at the office and come home to finally drift off to sleep in the silence of your cozy dark bedroom. Then all of the sudden you hear it! It’s quiet at first, but ultimately that dreaded “buzz” coming from your hallway gets more persistent. Your stomach drops as you reluctantly tumble from the warmth of your bed and peer around the corner....

Dev’s Corner: Java 8 and the FileCatalyst API

The following article is a bit on the technical side. It is exploring an example of how our current client API meshes with Java 8. It is meant for our customers who integrate our API within their software. I am expecting the reader to be familiar with the Java language. So after much anticipation, Java 8 is now out and today I am going to cover a pretty cool use case...

Cybersecurity Threats Continue to Evolve; Apply Best Practices to Address

Image Cybersecurity is an arena that is ever-changing – from the actual threats posed, to the astoundingly creative ways to nab sensitive data, to the solutions and best practices organizations need to adopt to meet the changing challenges head on. Each week, if not day, a new article, tweet, or blog post comes out that warns of a...

Why is it Smart to Bundle Cybersecurity Solutions?

Image When it comes to cybersecurity, joining the individual strengths of separate solutions to defend against cybersecurity threats is just smart business. What are Some Recommended File Security Pairings? There’s no question that cybersecurity worries are at the top of the list for many organizations and their IT teams. As this...

5 Ways that MFT Helps the Finance Industry

Image Managed file transfer (MFT) empowers organizations to reliably and securely exchange electronic data between systems and comply with various regulatory requirements. With MFT solutions, you can confidently facilitate internal and external enterprise data transfers, including sensitive, compliance-protected, or high-volume data. ...

Do More with Less: How to Improve Efficiency with MFT

Image With the employment environment changing nearly every week, the ability of teams to do more with less – whether that’s a smaller budget or head count – is more important than ever. Incorporating smart technology solutions, such as managed file transfer (MFT) is a proactive, efficient move to help your organization better secure...

Agents offer Remote, Automated File Transfer Solutions

Image Call my agent! What might be a long shot in Hollywood is a sure thing when it comes to managed file transfers (MFT). MFT agents are lightweight applications that do a lot of heavy lifting to automate your file transfers and workflows – remote and on-premises – throughout your enterprise, saving you time and money.  If your...

How MFT Helps Collaboration in Hybrid Environments

  Image Whether your organization’s employees are back in the office at their desks full time, or more commonly pop into your brick-and-mortar location two to three times a week in hybrid fashion, it’s important to consider how they can securely collaborate. The changing work landscape, with workers spread throughout the world, and...

A Perfect Match: GoAnywhere MFT and Open PGP

Image As companies face increasing pressure to keep data safe, encryption protocols like Open PGP provide an increased level of security to do so. An open-source version of PGP (Pretty Good Protection), Open PGP delivers the same level of protection in a publicly available format. Because of its high availability, it enjoys widespread...

Test Your MFT Smarts

Image Managed file transfer, MFT, secure file transfer and SFT are all terms tossed about when talking about how to securely move files within and outside of your organization, protecting them in motion and at rest. If you’re just dipping your toes into solution options to manage this vital process for your organization’s...

Fast File Transfer 101: What You Need to Know

Image Basic file transfer has two challenges: transferring files securely and transferring them with speed. In traditional on-premises solutions, one usually happens at the expense of the other. But what if you could do both? Fast file transfer does exactly what it says it does. It gets files from point A to point B in the time you...