

How's Your File Transfer Process Running?

Is Your File Transfer Process Running Smoothly? Without the right secure file transfer solution in place, transferring files can sometimes feel like being behind the wheel of an outdated clunker on a long road trip to nowhere. If you’re still trying to drive file transfers with any of the following in place, it’s probably time to upgrade your ride...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps the Healthcare Industry Thrive

GoAnywhere MFT is Just What the Doctor OrderedThe healthcare industry is a complex system full of regulations to comply with and highly sensitive data to move from one location to the next.From dramatic cost cutting, to eliminating manual processes, to strengthening data encryption and more, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) is just what the...

Signs Your Business is Ready for an Enterprise File Transfer Solution

Follow the Signs If you and your enterprise are needing to regularly transfer sensitive data between users, employees, and trading partners, it’s important to follow the signs. One wrong move, such as the lack of file encryption for transfers, can hit your organization with huge fines for non-compliance. It’s important to avoid these instances...

Australia’s CDR: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

What is the CDR Regulation for Australia?In early May, 2020, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) released their Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Consumer Data Right (CDR), which was announced in November of 2017.The objective of the CDR is to provide...

What to Consider When Choosing an MFT Solution

A managed file transfer (MFT) solution simplifies your data security, automation, server-to-sever file transfers, and more. Organizations move from other file transfer methods to MFT solutions for various reasons, but mostly for some combination of:CentralizationTime and money savingsIncreased securityWhether your organization is seeking a new way to...

Why Businesses Need MFT

Why Businesses Need MFT Reputations can be built or ruined in a matter of a few keystrokes. Just ask any business victimized by a data breach – either malicious or due to human error. The loss of reputation, trust, money, and time can be nearly incalculable. But, it’s not only a data breach that can severely impact a business. Server downtime,...

7 Benefits of Using Managed File Transfer (MFT)

Moving beyond the scripts and programs you lovingly set up to carry your data around can be scary but, like pushing a baby bird out of the nest, it eventually becomes necessary. Instead of sending data “in the clear,” constantly fixing scripts, or mad dashes to pull together audit logs, switch to a secure file transfer method that handles the tricky...

GDPR and Data Privacy after Brexit: What’s Next?

So, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) hit us with a bang in May 2018 and aside from a few high-profile fines, companies seem to be coping well on the whole. But is that really what’s happening or is it like an elegant swan, calm above water but flapping around underneath?It is safe to say that by now companies and employees are very much...

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!“Drive carefully,” Eat your vegetables,” “Share those toys with your brother,” “Think again about how you’re transferring all those large files!”You know, your mom’s right. She usually is. And, when it comes to transferring big files, it IS smart to adopt a best practices approach when it comes...

Benefits of Single Sign-on (SSO)

More than one is usually a good thing. More french fries, more vacation days, more friends. More usernames and passwords? Not so much.Organizations are increasingly turning to single sign-on (SSO) to lessen the burden of employees needing to remember endless usernames and passwords to access all the applications, websites and data to do their daily...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

Virtual Hug Coming Your WayAs workforces are now more remote than ever due to COVID-19, it’s not just lagging Wi-Fi you need to keep an eye on. Files containing your organization’s most sensitive data are being put to the test, most likely no longer within the safety of your company’s firewall and not secure enough to transfer without a second thought...

Why You Should Integrate Your DLP with MFT

Why Integrating DLP with MFT Enhances Data SecurityLike Calvin and Hobbes, Sherlock and Watson, or even Ben and Jerry, a good partnership combines the best of both worlds – and creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Joining complimentary software solutions can do the same, opening up a new world of data security possibilities.You...

What’s the Difference Between the Cloud and SaaS?

The Cloud vs. SaaSThe cloud and SaaS may seem interchangeable when you consider their similarities. However, these two terms refer to very different things, both with their own defining characteristics. What is the Cloud?Although the cloud has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, it’s okay to not be 100% sure what it is exactly. The...

How MFT Helps with Vendor Management

The Role MFT PlaysIn order to sustain, grow, and maintain daily business tasks, many organizations open the door to outside vendors and other third parties for additional support. Although this is very much necessary to do business, this can also leave the door wide open to potential threats. Even when working with a trusted and established vendor,...

Why a SaaS Solution Can Benefit Your Company

SaaS – or Software as a Service – is one of the most common uses of the cloud. Think your personal Gmail, where you can access your email but you don’t need to host the software on your personal machine or maintain the software – let alone the hardware hosting it. Simply connect to the cloud-based application over the internet, use it, and log back...

The 2020 MFT Data Quadrant Report is Here

Find Out Why We're #1 It's a new year, and with a new year brings a new Info-Tech Managed File Transfer Data Quadrant Report. We’re pretty excited with our ranking this year (hint: #1) and we wanted to share the news, plus highlight some of the areas we excelled in. The Overall Composite Score + NET Emotional Footprint Info-Tech's MFT Data...

What are Data Silos?

Standing alone can be an uncomfortable feeling at any gathering. You may only hear part of a conversation; you might not mesh well with the others in the room; you could face a number of awkward silences, and even be rejected completely.Feeling like a lone wolf at a party is discomforting for sure. Having critical data siloed and inaccessible at your...

Is Your File Transfer Solution Meeting Business Requirements?

Free is tempting. Understood. But free can also be a landmine when it comes to your business requirements. If your business needs include maintaining a level of security surrounding file transfers and file security (and most businesses do), take a few minutes to review the solution(s) you currently have in place.If you’re using an assortment of...

Benefits of a Content Collaboration Platform

Once upon a time, an organization’s valuable content lived in file drawers with neat little tabbed folders. It also lived on top of desks and on desktops. It lived in saved emails, cloud storage services, and even was embedded in texts. When it was time to share that content however, finding it, working with it, and sending it along often...

How Does the DMZ Impact Security?

Your Secret Weapon for Data SecurityWhen weapons and military forces have been removed from active duty, this is referred to as “demilitarization.” On the internet, the demilitarized zone, or the DMZ, is a similar situation.What is the DMZ?The DMZ is the neutral network that resides between the Internet and your organization’s private network. It’s...