

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

Image How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and...

How MFT Helps the Insurance Industry Secure Files

Image Insurance industry insiders know an insurance policy is one of the few products purchased that most people hope to never have to put to use. Afterall, “using” your insurance means that an adverse event has occurred – an auto accident, medical crisis, storm damage, or any number of situations where not having a policy in place...

Secure File Transfer for Manufacturing

Image On the production floor, minutes count and the accuracy of workflow processes is critical. One software solution can deliver time savings, streamlined processes, and transparency to the manufacturing industry – secure file transfer (SFT). SFT solutions, such as Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT (Managed File Transfer), secure data files...

Why Fast File Transfer will be Invaluable for Sports Broadcasters in the 2022 World Cup

The World Cup is the most-watched sporting event on the planet. The 2018 World Cup in Russia saw a record-breaking audience of 3.5 billion people, and the upcoming 2022 version hosted by Qatar is expected to be watched by five billion people. For sports broadcasters and media outlets, it is a hugely busy but rewarding time. It is an event that provides so much content to drive...

Ship to Shore Fast File Transfer: 3 Offshore Fleet Communication Case Studies

Data transfer has hurdles for any industry, but remote file transfer from ship to shore must overcome additional obstacles. Even as data collection tools become more powerful and generate bigger datasets than ever before, transfer tools have improved at a slower pace, and are not often built with mid-ocean data transfer in mind. Discover how three organizations avoided this...

What Makes Audio and Music Files So Big?

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Yes, but without the right tools to capture, process, and send the sound, no one will ever know. The same goes for any audio file: even with the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to capture, process, and send a sound with 100 percent accuracy. And even with the right tools, certain choices you make can sacrifice sound...

7 Unique Ways to Use MFT for Manufacturing

  Image While the manufacturing industry is often thought of as primarily centered around physical processes and tangible output, it also requires that electronic data files be exchanged between your trading partners, departments and government entities. These transfers, along with other key business processes, don’t have to entail...

Are Insurance Companies Managing Their Risk of Data Breach?

  Image   Insurance companies are the experts at analyzing and managing risk. They identify, quantify, and set pricing based on the calculated costs of risk. Naturally, the higher the perceived risk, the higher the cost to mitigate the potential losses.   Yet, here is the irony. While those in the insurance industry excel at...