

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Energy Companies

  The Energy Industry is Moving at Light Speed Today’s energy and utility companies face a number of evergreen issues, from adhering to mandatory regulations and cybersecurity standards, to being at a higher risk of data breaches, the industry is constantly weathering a turbulent and rapidly accelerating environment. To combat these risks and comply...

How to Implement the Right Enterprise File Sharing Solution

  Implementation 101 An enterprise file sharing solution is an important tool for organizations to have. The benefits are practically endless – from ensuring compliance with data regulations, to streamlining transfers with automation, to the auditing and reporting capabilities – implementing the right tool is key. However, the act of implementing the...

iPaaS and MFT: What You Need to Know

Once upon a time, you carried an MP3 player to listen to music, a cell phone to text and make calls, and a book if you wanted to read. Video games and the internet? Best to use your preferred gaming device and home computer for those. Then came the smartphone – suddenly, everything is accessible from one location, and all you have to do is download the right app. Like a smartphone, iPaaS puts...

Why You Should Use File Encryption Software

    File Encryption Software is “Key”   What is the key to keeping your data safe? One word: Encryption. There’s no question that encrypting sensitive data at rest and in motion is essential when it comes to guarding against cyber threats and complying with local, national, or industry-standard requirements. However, if you’re still on the fence...

What to Consider When Choosing an MFT Solution

  A managed file transfer (MFT) solution simplifies your data security, automation, server-to-sever file transfers, and more. Organizations move from other file transfer methods to MFT solutions for various reasons, but mostly for some combination of: Centralization Time and money savings Increased security Whether your organization is seeking a new...

Why Businesses Need MFT

  Why Businesses Need MFT Reputations can be built or ruined in a matter of a few keystrokes. Just ask any business victimized by a data breach – either malicious or due to human error. The loss of reputation, trust, money, and time can be nearly incalculable. But, it’s not only a data breach that can severely impact a business. Server downtime, an...

7 Benefits of Using Managed File Transfer (MFT)

  Moving beyond the scripts and programs you lovingly set up to carry your data around can be scary but, like pushing a baby bird out of the nest, it eventually becomes necessary. Instead of sending data “in the clear,” constantly fixing scripts, or mad dashes to pull together audit logs, switch to a secure file transfer method that handles the tricky...

How Encryption Works: Everything You Need to Know

  What is Data Encryption? Encryption is a method of encoding data (messages or files) so that only authorized parties can read or access that data. Encryption software uses complex algorithms to scramble the data being sent. Once received, the data can be decrypted using a key provided by the originator of the message. The effectiveness of...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

  Virtual Hug Coming Your Way As workforces are now more remote than ever due to COVID-19, it’s not just lagging Wi-Fi you need to keep an eye on. Files containing your organization’s most sensitive data are being put to the test, most likely no longer within the safety of your company’s firewall and not secure enough to transfer without a second...

How Does the DMZ Impact Security?

  Your Secret Weapon for Data Security When weapons and military forces have been removed from active duty, this is referred to as “demilitarization.” On the internet, the demilitarized zone, or the DMZ, is a similar situation. What is the DMZ? The DMZ is the neutral network that resides between the Internet and your organization’s private network....

User Sharing and Collaboration: Security Concerns, Risks, and How to Securely Collaborate

  Collaboration in the Workspace Secure collaboration tools that permit the sharing of sensitive data between users are quickly gaining momentum in the world of technology and file transfer. Although there are many benefits to utilizing these tools in the workspace, with user sharing and secure collaboration comes security concerns and a variety of...

5 Projects You Could Tackle with a GoAnywhere Trial

  It's happened to us all – you start a free software trial, only to get stuck at step 2: what to do first? Plotting a plan of attack before your first login can help you get the most out of your limited time with the product (and might even help you down the line when you're making the case for adoption to your internal stakeholders). Whether you don...

Can Your MFT Solution Do These 20 Things?

    The Possibilities Are Vast GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) can do so much more than just transfer sensitive data securely. Do you know if your MFT solution can do these 20 things? 1. It Can Integrate with Applications GoAnywhere offers out-of-the-box Connectors that let you easily integrate with the external cloud and any web apps you...

Open PGP and GoAnywhere MFT: What You Need to Know

        Which Solution is Right for You? Open PGP vs. GoAnywhere MFT If you have sensitive files that need to get from point A to Point B securely, you may have considered utilizing Open PGP or a managed file transfer solution, like GoAnywhere MFT. Do you know which option is the best fit for your organization? What is Open PGP? Open PGP is an...

What is a DMZ and Why Do You Need a DMZ Secure Gateway?

  If you’ve watched a science-fiction movie about space travel, then you’ve likely seen some version of a scene in which an astronaut reenters their ship from the outside abyss. Because the ship exists as a haven from the dangerous environment of empty space, the astronaut cannot simply open the door and stroll directly into the cockpit. To do so would...

5 Benefits of PGP Decryption Using Managed File Transfer

  If your trading partners or vendors require you to PGP encrypt or decrypt the files you exchange, you may be on the search for an affordable, trust-worthy PGP software to implement in your organization. The software you’re looking for may also need to support more than basic PGP decrypt and encrypt functionality. You may want it to include a key...

How to Encrypt Files in Linux

  If your organization uses Linux operating systems to run key business processes, it’s important to implement tried-and-tested Linux security practices that support critical files as they transfer from one system to another. One requirement that pops up frequently for Linux users is file encryption. Linux files need to be encrypted seamlessly and...

Which is Better: Dropbox vs. MFT?

  So you’re looking for a way to securely share files with your team. Great! There are plenty of tools you can use today to collaborate and share documents as projects arise. Some are on-premises and other in the cloud, meaning you’ll likely find a solution that meets your organization’s unique needs. But are these commercial file sharing tools right...

GoAnywhere MFT Not Affected by EFAIL Vulnerabilities

  Ashland, NE, May 16, 2018 In light of the recent Open PGP & S/MIME warning (EFAIL), GoAnywhere has performed a software security review of its managed file transfer solution to ensure customers and their encrypted emails are not affected by this vulnerability. The review was positive and demonstrates that GoAnywhere MFT is already protected from...

5 Best Practices for IBM i File Transfers

  Using IBM’s built-in FTP and Open SSH servers to transfer files to and from your IBM i systems can be time-consuming, if not simply riddled with fine details. From scripting knowledge to running specific (and sometimes obscure) commands, there’s a lot to consider—and the safety and integrity of your files is probably at the top of the list. While...