

35 Cybersecurity Jokes to Make Any Security Geek Chuckle (or Groan)

Good IT jokes are few and far between, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s why we put on our creativity hats to brainstorm joke after joke – with a break to pull in a few of our favorites from the web – for the ultimate result: the motherlode (or should we say motherboard?) of cybersecurity jokes and puns. P.S.: we side with Alfred...

Why You Should Use File Encryption Software

File Encryption Software is “Key”What is the key to keeping your data safe? One word: Encryption. There’s no question that encrypting sensitive data at rest and in motion is essential when it comes to guarding against cyber threats and complying with local, national, or industry-standard requirements.However, if you’re still on the fence about file...

Explore The Right File Transfer Solution - Blog

Your media files are evidently growing, so what are the next steps you need to take? FileCatalyst is happily here to guide you through our products and highlight why you need a fast file transfer solution in your life. Are you noticing a lag in your productivity? Are your teams spread out globally and struggling to simultaneously share multiple projects? You probably already know that something...

How You Will Transfer Supersized Video Files in 2020

So you want to transfer large video files in a quick and efficient manner? Chances are FileCatalyst has a solution to fit your needs. In the prequel to this blog post, you would have discovered how drastically video files are changing and what different factors play a role in the size of your files in 2020. We recommend that you take the time to analyze your own personal requirements and create a...

Why Are Video Files Supersized in the 2020s?

There are many factors in play when creating media content. Creators are at a point where HD doesn’t hit the high standards mark, and people are always seeking the best possible result when it comes to media content quality. With this in mind, when creating your development plan, you need to take into account the size of the video files you will be creating and how you will transfer them globally...

German DPAs Announce New Email Encryption Guidance

In May of 2020, substantial guidance on email encryption was issued by the German Data Protection Authorities (German DPAs) specific to personal data transferred via email. These guidelines recommend reducing the risks of a personal data breach with both end-to-end encryption and transport encryption.The new guidelines build on previous requirements,...

3 Lessons Learned from a Data Breach

Data breaches have been plaguing organizations for years and the numbers continue to climb. After a breach, an organization goes into survival mode — trying to recover data, reestablish trust, and ensure they can keep their business running. It’s understandable that there isn’t much leisure time to sit back and reflect on what could have been...

5 Ways to Tighten Cybersecurity Working from Home

Logistically, you’re good to go: employees are working from their home offices, spare rooms, and kitchen counters as if they’ve always been doing it, IT is keeping things chugging along on the back end, and you’ve even ironed out the kinks in video call happy hours. Now that your employees can successfully work from home, it’s time to circle back and...

Enterprise | the Next Generation of Fast File Transferring

What classifies your company as an enterprise? Is it your amount of staff? Your global outreach? Traditionally, yes to all of the above. A company is considered an enterprise once they are responsible for a large number of sales within their industry. Once a company enters that battlefield, with growing industry rivalry, it becomes a never ending challenge to remain competitive. Do your company...

How a Data Security Breach Puts Your Organization at Risk

Data breaches are, unfortunately for organizations everywhere, becoming likely events rather than worst-case scenarios, as more and more organizations are learning. There are a variety of safeguards businesses can implement to reduce their risk, but even with good data security in place, a breach can happen.So, what do you do? And what is the outcome...

What's the Difference? AS3 vs. AS4

If you have ever delved into the Applicability Statement family tree, you may know that AS3 and AS4 don’t have much in common. But what makes these two ostensibly sequential protocols similar, and what sets them apart? And why aren’t they sequential, anyway? Read on to discover the key details that differentiate AS3 and AS4, and what makes them stand...

The Next Oil Cycle | How 2020 Has Made File Transferring Crucial for Success

The year 2020 has shifted the oil and gas industry drastically. In the early months of the new year, COVID-19 resulted in price drops and a decrease in production. This, however, will not be a permanent situation. Now is the time to look at the horizon and what the next oil cycle will look like. This is a unique period of time that will define the future of oil and gas. Recently we have seen the...

Key Cybersecurity Takeaways from the EasyJet Data Breach

A data breach can wreak financial and logistical havoc for companies who experience them, not to mention customers, employees, and others who depend on or work with the breached organization. And even though it seems like data breaches are becoming more pervasive, they continue to severely impact organizations’ carefully built reputations – and may...

How Encryption Works: Everything You Need to Know

What is Data Encryption?Encryption is a method of encoding data (messages or files) so that only authorized parties can read or access that data. Encryption software uses complex algorithms to scramble the data being sent. Once received, the data can be decrypted using a key provided by the originator of the message. The effectiveness of encryption...

Replace Your FTP Scripts to Increase Security

One too many things has gone wrong: a file didn’t arrive at its destination and you’re not sure why; your developer is out of office and you need to make a small change to your file transfer script; you logged into five different tools to schedule a simple transfer. And suddenly you realize: the time has come to move away from FTP scripts. At...

Benefits of Single Sign-on (SSO)

More than one is usually a good thing. More french fries, more vacation days, more friends. More usernames and passwords? Not so much.Organizations are increasingly turning to single sign-on (SSO) to lessen the burden of employees needing to remember endless usernames and passwords to access all the applications, websites and data to do their daily...

“Final Fantasy VII Remake Cancelled?” How Fast File Transfers Prevent This Situation

Over the past ten years, the gaming industry has ballooned into one of the main producers of large data files. You blink and a new gaming system is released, with accessories, games and expansion packs. In 2015 it was announced at E3 that Nintendo would be releasing a remake of the beloved Final Fantasy 7 and since then the countdown has been on. This game is jam-packed with nostalgia for many...

How to Revamp Your Organization's Cybersecurity Program

When cyberattacks and data breaches make the news, it’s usually because they’re at large companies like Facebook or healthcare organizations. But every organization, large or small, needs to be concerned about cybersecurity; hackers have begun to understand that, while smaller companies may have less data on hand, they may have access to covetable...

3 Ways File Transferring Advance the Healthcare Industry

The world can be an intimidating place, new battles consistently arise for the healthcare and life sciences industry. Research is the key to preventing and defeating these challenges. Often work is kept behind the scenes and the average person forgets how much data this industry creates and the importance this data holds. The files that the healthcare and life sciences industry produce could...

What is Wrong With Free File Transfer?

Free time! Free food! Free kittens! All great concepts, right? Free file transfers! Ummmm, not so much. The old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…” definitely holds when it comes to file transfers. After all, the data you send to third-parties, vendors, customers and even internal staff is priceless and, in the wrong hands...