

Sharing Financial Files: Benefits of MFT

Financial file matters matter. Not only are these files a top priority to the banks and financial institutions that handle millions of transactions daily, they also matter to the industry’s compliance regulators, and to the public trusting that their financial information is secured. How organizational and personal financial data is handled and secured...

Do More with Less: How to Improve Efficiency with MFT

With the employment environment changing nearly every week, the ability of teams to do more with less – whether that’s a smaller budget or head count – is more important than ever. Incorporating smart technology solutions, such as managed file transfer (MFT) is a proactive, efficient move to help your organization better secure the lifeblood of your...

Agents offer Remote, Automated File Transfer Solutions

Call my agent! What might be a long shot in Hollywood is a sure thing when it comes to managed file transfers (MFT). MFT agents are lightweight applications that do a lot of heavy lifting to automate your file transfers and workflows – remote and on-premises – throughout your enterprise, saving you time and money.  If your organization needs to...

A Perfect Match: GoAnywhere MFT and Open PGP

As companies face increasing pressure to keep data safe, encryption protocols like Open PGP provide an increased level of security to do so. An open-source version of PGP (Pretty Good Protection), Open PGP delivers the same level of protection in a publicly available format. Because of its high availability, it enjoys widespread use. However, an...

Verify Files

Learn how to verify the Open PGP digital signature using a public Open PGP key created or imported to a key store.

Sign Files

Learn how to use Open PGP to sign your files using your secret key to add an extra layer of security for sensitive data.

Key Preferences

With PGP Key Preferences in GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio, learn how to quickly choose which algorithms you want to support with your keys.

Key Manager

The Open PGP Key Manager is your first stop for organizing all your PGP keys. Learn more about the features that you can use.

Microsoft Windows

Installing GoAnywhere Open PGP in Windows is a simple process. Follow these instructions to learn how to easily install GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio in Windows in minutes.

Mac OS X

Easily install Open PGP Studio on a Mac with a few simple steps.

Linux and Unix

Follow these easy instructions for installing GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio in a Linux or Unix-based operating system.

How to Encrypt Files with PGP

File encryption is easy using any of the PGP keys in your Open PGP Studio key store. Learn the process of how to encrypt a file or folder within GoAnywhere.

Encrypt and Sign Files

Text The Open PGP Encrypt and Sign option encrypts and authenticates the file. The file will be encrypted with the public key of the person to whom it is sent and it will be signed with your PGP digital signature created from your own secret key. This process...

Decrypt and Verify Files

Text The "Decrypt and Verify File(s)" option in Open PGP Studio allows you to decrypt a file and verify its signature with just a few steps. You will need the corresponding secret key of the PGP public key used to encrypt the files or folders to decrypt a file or...

Automating Project Workflows

Learn the three fastest ways to automate Project workflows in GoAnywhere MFT using Schedules, Monitors and Triggers.

What is PGP Encryption and How to Use It

  Encryption is key to securing organizational data in the short term and long. However, there are a few different types of encryption that organizations can use to achieve the optimal level of security. GnuPG is one of the most notable. However, today we’ll break down how PGP encryption works and how to use it to maintain the safety of your files. ...

The Top Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity

  The Top Two Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity Transferring data securely from point A to point B is a non-negotiable for most organizations. However, that doesn’t mean that the process needs to be tedious. Don’t get bogged down by old file transfer methods that are slow and unreliable. Rather, optimize your productivity with the...

What is PGP and How Does It Work?

  When someone in your organization wants to transfer a file – internally or outside of the organization – a few concerns may come up: Is the file complete? Is it being sent to the right place? Will it arrive intact? Is sensitive data protected and encrypted from unauthorized recipients? All are valid concerns, and each can be addressed with the...