

What is HITRUST Compliance?

  HITRUST Compliance Helps to Manage Risk The secure storage and transfer of sensitive data is of the utmost importance to the healthcare industry. Data security and complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is paramount, yet doing so can often be complex and difficult to maintain. This is where HITRUST comes in...

Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare in 2022

  Every year the healthcare industry is greeted with headlines stating that ‘last year was the most-breached ever.’ And that trend is unlikely to stop in 2022. The healthcare industry has historically been one of the most-targeted by hackers, and one of the most breached by internal actors. Key reasons why include vast amounts of extra sensitive...

Still WFH? Time to Revisit BYOD, Security, and More

  Work from home, which was once an early-pandemic precaution, is becoming a norm across industries. It is likely that the pandemic has shifted how people work forever, with half of employees expecting to work predominantly from home or in a hybrid home-and-office system going forward. However, just as in the early days of the pandemic, cybersecurity...

What is Shadow IT and Why is it a Problem?

    Shadow IT Doesn’t Lurk in the Shadows – it's Prevalent   Although it may seem foreign now, there was once a time when an organization’s IT department had complete and total control over the technology being used by the organization. Before software could be purchased, or before anyone clicked download, the IT Director’s blessing was needed. In...

What is SOC 2 and Why it Matters for Security

  There are some things in life that should be a given: rollercoasters are inspected regularly, chefs wash their hands, and your organization’s file transfers are secure. That last is a little more nebulous to see immediate cause-and-effect (it’s not like your rollercoaster car rolling off the tracks or getting food poisoning!) but unsecure file...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

  Is MFT Integration Software? MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely. Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools and scripts—automation,...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

  Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws. Read on to discover how data...

The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2022: How to Avoid Cybersecurity Attacks

  Cybersecurity is one of the biggest issues of our time. Organizations are gradually investing more and more into cybersecurity. Microsoft expects to be investing upwards of $1 billion a year on cybersecurity for the foreseeable future and they certainly won’t be the only organization to increase their spending. In 2019, organizations began...

What Are the Current Cyber Threat Trends in 2021?

  Many current cyber threat trends hinge on change and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it’s a panicked email recipient falling for a phishing scheme, innovations in ransomware, or simply remote workforces offering larger surfaces to attack, the goal of each is to find gaps in your company’s cyber security armor. Here are the old,...

Is On-Premises Enterprise File Sharing Right for Your Business?

  Now that offices are re-opening and bringing employees back under one roof, do you need to revisit your on-premises file sharing solution? What is On-Premises File Sharing? Like other file sharing solutions, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box, on-premises file sharing solutions give employees flexibility in how and from where they access work...

GDPR and its Relationship with Healthcare

    What is GDPR?   The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes protections for the privacy and security of sensitive data for individuals in the European Union (EU). The data protection regulation was designed to harmonize data privacy laws throughout the EU and replaced the long-standing Data Protection Directive. GDPR regulations...

Who is Protecting Your Healthcare Records?

  Patient Privacy is in Jeopardy: Data Breaches, High Payouts, and PHI How important is a patient's privacy? If your organization is a healthcare facility, the instinctive answer that comes to mind is "Very important!" After all, a patient's privacy is the basis upon which a doctor/patient relationship is based. Right? When it comes to patient data,...

How to Use Cloud Data Transfer Solutions Effectively

  What is Cloud Data Transfer and Why Do Organizations Use It? Cloud data transfer is a process of moving data to and from a cloud computing environment. There are various needs that cloud transfers fulfill: one type of cloud data transfer takes data from a local, on-premises data center and brings it to the cloud. Another type of transfer moves data...

The Top 10 Healthcare Data Breaches of 2020

  2020 Was the Worst – in Healthcare Data Breaches Data breaches can have catastrophic consequences on those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from one. From steep costs and/or fines (in the millions) to a ruined reputation, data breaches are not to be taken lightly. This is especially true for the healthcare industry, where sensitive patient data,...

Improve Your Big Data File Transfers: 11 Security Features to Consider

  New challenges and new opportunities have arisen due to big data, which is altering the nature of file transfer technology. The Good News Big data is leading to new file sharing technology, which is making it easier to solve certain big data file transfer problems. On the other hand, it is increasing the bandwidth requirements companies face,...

What Does Integration Buy You?

    What Can Data Integration Buy You?   Data integration is the practice of consolidating data from a number of sources into a single, unified, and consistent source. This way of configuring data does an excellent job of meeting the needs of business processes and is a key component of any thriving data security structure. Make the data...

How to Use MFT as a Workflow Automation Tool in Healthcare

  When it comes to managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, organizations across industries find them valuable for policy enforcement, user access control and authorization, risk reduction, and more. And when it comes to HIPAA and HITECH requirements, MFT shines as a secure workflow automation tool. MFT as a B2B Enabler What makes MFT a perfect...

How Cloud Technology is Transforming the Healthcare Industry

  When you think of files in healthcare, you may think of illegible doctor notes, clipboards with unpronounceable drugs, or a hastily printed summary of your visit. The healthcare industry generates a lot of paperwork that makes its way into many hands, so how can healthcare organizations keep it flowing to the right places – and do so securely? Many...

What is Health Level Seven (HL7)?

    What is HL7?   HL7, short for Health Level Seven, is a set of international Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards used to provide guidance with the transfer and sharing of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various healthcare providers. These standards focus on the Application Layer, or “layer 7” in the...

Can HIPAA-Certified Solutions Really Guarantee Compliance?

  When searching for a new software solution to meet your organization’s needs, it’s easy to see the labels “HIPAA-Certified” or “HIPAA Compliant” and believe your bases are covered. After all, “HIPAA-Certified” means the product or application follows HIPAA’s privacy rules and has everything in place to protect your health and patient information,...