

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and reliability of purpose...

Why Fast File Transfer will be Invaluable for Sports Broadcasters in the 2022 World Cup

The World Cup is the most-watched sporting event on the planet. The 2018 World Cup in Russia saw a record-breaking audience of 3.5 billion people, and the upcoming 2022 version hosted by Qatar is expected to be watched by five billion people. For sports broadcasters and media outlets, it is a hugely busy but rewarding time. It is an event that provides so much content to drive and engage...

What Makes Audio and Music Files So Big?

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?Yes, but without the right tools to capture, process, and send the sound, no one will ever know. The same goes for any audio file: even with the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to capture, process, and send a sound with 100 percent accuracy. And even with the right tools, certain choices you make can sacrifice sound quality.Sound has been an...

How to Use MFT as a Workflow Automation Tool in Healthcare

When it comes to managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, organizations across industries find them valuable for policy enforcement, user access control and authorization, risk reduction, and more. And when it comes to HIPAA and HITECH requirements, MFT shines as a secure workflow automation tool. MFT as a B2B Enabler What makes MFT a perfect...

Using FileCatalyst to Remedy Healthcare IT Issues

When it comes to healthcare, file transfers aren’t something to be left to Dropbox or FTP email attachments. The requirements are many; files must remain confidential, visible, and secure – every time. Achieving this is becoming ever more challenging as the sheer size and volume of file transfers grow with every year. I came across an interesting article titled “7 File Transfer Challenges of...