

Problems Secure File Transfer Solves in Financial Services

  Image   Nowhere is trust more important than in the financial services industry. People operate on trust when they invest their life savings in a bank account, build their 401K, take out a life insurance policy, transfer their stocks, or make an online payment. The transactions just work, and – we take for granted – the money is...

Overcome the Limits of Email Attachments with FileCatalyst

“Email too large.” That dreaded bounceback message you get after sending an important email with a large attachment can be avoided.  Most email systems impose a strict 25 MB size limitation on attachments. That just doesn’t cut it today, with hundreds of data-rich large files, videos, and more needing to be exchanged throughout the day. There is a way to ensure that your large...

What is High Latency File Transfer and Why Should You Use It

When taking off on a vacation, the less time spent traveling the better, right? A non-stop flight, versus one with iffy connections and layovers is the way to go whenever possible. There are fewer hiccups, and the overall experience is simply better. File transfers operating in a high latency network can be a bit like that multi-stop flight, with delays, missed connections, and...

5 Things You Should Know About Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Image As the ongoing digital revolution continues to evolve the ways we do business, even the most standard practices of data security are no longer enough. “We're getting to the point where simply sending confidential information with basic encryption is no longer an acceptable method,” states Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax. While...

4 Ways You Can Use Your Digital Rights Management Tool

  Image   In an increasingly collaborative work environment, it’s more important now than ever before that your organization has the highest level of visibility and control possible over its data. While knowing how to choose the right data security solutions such as managed file transfer, data classification, and more is a...

Common Questions About Fast File Transfer

There is no doubt we live in an information-intensive world, one in which getting the right data quickly is often pivotal to an organization’s success. Moving files from point A to point B requires many considerations, but when it comes to large, mission-critical files that need to reach recipients around the world as fast as possible, it’s time to move beyond options such as...

Ship to Shore Fast File Transfer: 3 Offshore Fleet Communication Case Studies

Data transfer has hurdles for any industry, but remote file transfer from ship to shore must overcome additional obstacles. Even as data collection tools become more powerful and generate bigger datasets than ever before, transfer tools have improved at a slower pace, and are not often built with mid-ocean data transfer in mind. Discover how three organizations avoided this...

NAB Show Recap: The Power of Fast File Transfer in Media and Broadcast

Global Visionaries Converged at the 2022 NAB Show The recent annual NAB Show was, as usual, a fantastic event to get a bead on industry happenings and meet the movers and shakers pushing our notions of what’s possible. The event attracts media, entertainment, and technology companies looking level up the process of creating and distributing content for global audiences. NAB...

What is Ryuk Ransomware?

  Image The last few years have seen a rise in stories about Ryuk, a powerful piece of ransomware that is best known for targeting healthcare institutions, but has also been attacking municipal governments, state courts, enterprises, and large universities, among others. Many of these organizations have paid hefty fees – between $100...

How Fast File Transfer Helps Natural Resources Companies

Moving data from the field to the office often runs into speedbumps like slow connections, dropped packets, or even failed backups. In the energy and natural resources industries, moving data is even more difficult due to the size and complexity of data collected on-site. What can organizations do to send big data reliably – and quickly? One answer is to use a fast file...

What Makes Audio and Music Files So Big?

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Yes, but without the right tools to capture, process, and send the sound, no one will ever know. The same goes for any audio file: even with the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to capture, process, and send a sound with 100 percent accuracy. And even with the right tools, certain choices you make can sacrifice sound...

Fast File Transfer Terms You Should Know

When looking for an accelerated file transfer solution, you may run into an alphabet soup of acronyms and abbreviations. We’re here to help you on your quest to find the fastest file transfer solution for your business needs by clarifying what these many terms mean, and why you should care about them. First, what exactly is fast file transfer, and how much faster is it than...

How to Send Big Files Quickly

  Image Big and fast. Speedy and large. It’s a combination that’s sometimes tricky to execute, especially when it comes to sending large data files rapidly. Do you sacrifice speed? Do you risk having files interrupted mid-stream? Or do you roll the dice and hope your file won’t be rejected from the starting gate? You don’t have to...

Dropbox File Transfer Acceleration

What is Dropbox? Dropbox is a file hosting and sharing service used both as a personal cloud storage solution and as a file collaboration tool for businesses. It supports most types of files, including text, video, graphics, and audio. Because Dropbox is cloud-based, you can use it from anywhere. This makes it a top choice for those who work from home or on location rather...

What is iPerf and How to Use It

What is iPerf? iPerf, which is short for Internet Performance Working Group, is an open-source speed test and network performance measurement tool. The mechanism is fairly simple: it creates TCP and UDP streams, and sends traffic from one host to another, then reports the maximum bandwidth to the user. This allows users to determine network throughput and top bandwidth speed. ...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

  Image Is MFT Integration Software? MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely. Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools...

How Big Are Movie Files in 2022?

Gone are the simple days of moving pictures and practical effects. These days, movies are more sophisticated, with computer-generated special effects and high-resolution images. However, each addition to a film or episode adds to the file size, which can make both downloading for at-home viewing and the process of creating the project more complicated than ever before. While...

File Transfer for Live Events

There are many organizations that require the ability to transfer large files fast, sometimes in the moment, to manage the requirements of live events. Fast media file transfer is important for many organizations and events: as they say, time is of the essence and live events are no exception.   For organizations looking for a speedy solution to their live event needs, there...

How to Transfer Files Faster

There are many options for transferring files but not all of them can complete file transfers quickly. When considering transfer distance length and bandwidth predicaments, the speed of file transfers can be called into question even more easily. So, what tools can organizations use to achieve file transfers at high speeds to save time and money without sacrificing core...

Need Fast File Transfers? FileCatalyst Delivers.

  Image Got a Need for Speed? FileCatalyst Can Deliver. “How fast?" If that’s the very first thing that comes to mind when thinking about transferring files, you clearly have a need for speed. And if file transfer speed is critical to your business operations, FileCatalyst by Fortra may be the right match for you. Fortra acquired...