

Considerations for Cloud File Transfers

Whether your organization is debating on moving your file transfer process entirely to the cloud, adopting a hybrid environment, or using a hosted SaaS solution, review the considerations below to help better clarify and get the organizational support needed for a cloud-based file transfer solution. There are no absolute right or wrong answers to...

5 Things You Should Know About Digital Rights Management (DRM)

As the ongoing digital revolution continues to evolve the ways we do business, even the most standard practices of data security are no longer enough. “We're getting to the point where simply sending confidential information with basic encryption is no longer an acceptable method,” states Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax. While managed file transfer ...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

Is MFT Integration Software?MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely.Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools and scripts—automation,...