

How to Solve 4 Common Email Security Challenges

Yes. Emailing someone is still one of the easiest ways to share data. However, there are some important caveats to sharing files this way that can put your organization’s file transfers at risk.Email File Transfer ChallengesThese are the four big challenges that organizations should be aware of when transmitting files via email.Email is sent "in the...

FIPS 140-2 Plays Vital Government Business Role

What is FIPS 140-2?FIPS 140-2 is a standard with which cryptographic-based (encryption) security systems must comply when protecting sensitive data in U.S. government agencies and departments. This FIPS 140-2 standard also extends to other entities that may exchange sensitive data with the federal government, including defense contractors, state...

Are Insurance Companies Managing Their Risk of Data Breach?

Insurance companies are the experts at analyzing and managing risk. They identify, quantify, and set pricing based on the calculated costs of risk. Naturally, the higher the perceived risk, the higher the cost to mitigate the potential losses.Yet, here is the irony. While those in the insurance industry excel at evaluating risk management for their...

Is Your Company Letting Data Slip Through the Cracks?

Many Americans have spent the last few days frantically searching for receipts and other documentation to finish their taxes before April 15th — only to realize they get a one-month reprieve this year.Despite that sigh of relief, there's no doubt that some of those people thought they knew exactly where to find what they needed, and were dismayed to...

How Important is Auditing Your File Transfers?

When you send someone a file using FTP, how do you know (and later prove) that it was successfully sent? Consider the Complexities It might be possible to save a screenshot as long as the process was simple and you can see all the commands on a single screen. But what if your commands start getting complex? And if you start sending quite a few...

SFTP vs. FTPS: What's the Best Protocol for Secure FTP?

What is Secure FTP? SFTP vs. FTPS: Secure FTP Authentication SFTP vs. FTPS: Secure FTP Implementation SFTP vs. FTPS: Speed SFTP vs. FTPS: Security Watch a Demo An increasing number of organizations are looking to move away from transferring data with FTP (a standard file transfer protocol). In the beginning stages of research, questions...

Are You Next in Line for a Data Breach?

A Data Breach is Closer Than You ThinkAs the percentage of data breaches increase, the risk of organizations losing your sensitive data also increases. No one wants to receive the news that some or all of their personally identifiable information (PII) was stolen.Sure, there are people who are victims of various phishing scams, but it's more likely...

The Culture of Data Security

Here at Fortra, we hear a lot of buzz about protecting both customer and company data, but it's alarming how many IT departments and enterprise users are still not protecting their data correctly. According to the Ponemon Institute, fewer than 50 percent of organizations have comprehensive encryption protection in place.Prevention vs. RemediationData...

What Makes FTP an Outdated Security Method

Why is FTP an Outdated Protocol?FTP was designed as an easy mechanism for exchanging files between computers at a time when networks were new and information security was an immature science. In the 1970s, if you wanted to secure a server from unwanted access, you simply locked the computer room door. User access to data was controlled by the basic...