

GDPR and its Relationship with Healthcare

  Image   What is GDPR?   The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes protections for the privacy and security of sensitive data for individuals in the European Union (EU). The data protection regulation was designed to harmonize data privacy laws throughout the EU and replaced the long-standing Data Protection...

How to Use MFT as a Workflow Automation Tool in Healthcare

  Image When it comes to managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, organizations across industries find them valuable for policy enforcement, user access control and authorization, risk reduction, and more. And when it comes to HIPAA and HITECH requirements, MFT shines as a secure workflow automation tool. MFT as a B2B Enabler What...

How Cloud Technology is Transforming the Healthcare Industry

  Image When you think of files in healthcare, you may think of illegible doctor notes, clipboards with unpronounceable drugs, or a hastily printed summary of your visit. The healthcare industry generates a lot of paperwork that makes its way into many hands, so how can healthcare organizations keep it flowing to the right places –...

Are Your Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Secure?

  Image Since moving to Electronic Health Records and modern EHR technology, the healthcare industry has taken great strides to enhance patient care, internal workflows, and business-to-business communication. These improvements bring organizations closer and closer to full integration with others in the industry; a goal that will,...