

A Day In Data: How Much Data We Generate and Consume in a Day

Image I‘ve been thinking about the amount of data created and consumed in a single day, and it got me curious to look into the figures. I found the results very interesting – so I thought I would make an infographic to visualize my findings. I decided to focus on the more personal, everyday tasks most people perform in a day, such as...

The GDPR is Coming… What’s it Mean to You?

There is a new wave of regulation coming in the form of the European Union Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). These provisions and regulations have been in development over the last four years, and starting May 25th, 2018; it will begin to be enforced. After that date, substantial fines will be imposed on those who don’t comply with new regulations. Before we dive into what...

Uploading Files Into Azure Blob Storage at Multi-Gigabit Speeds

Moving data into cloud storage can present a number of challenges for organizations across all industries. Some of these challenges include finding a tool that can simplify the process and a solution that can move the data to the cloud as fast as possible. This blog will examine two methods used to transfer files into Microsoft Azure Blob storage: using Microsoft’s tool AzCopy...

A Reflection on NAB: Media Industry Trends, Challenges and How the Industry is Responding

Image After getting back from the NAB show this year, I have been thinking about some of the media industry trends that present changes, as well as the opportunities. The industry as a whole has been in a state of change: the content itself is rapidly becoming larger, workflows are changing and becoming more dispersed, the way we...

TransferAgent Brings the Power of Filecatalyst to the Simplicity of a Web Browser

I just finished watching a webinar our president, John Tkaczewski, gave on the new version 4.9.9 of FileCatalyst Workflow and it was a great learning experience. He gave an in-depth overview of TransferAgent and outlined its features past and new. It was really interesting stuff, so I thought I would write a blog article that outlines some of these new features. Consider this a...

SSL and file transfers, the marriage of all marriages

The support team here at FileCatalyst team polled our customers who are using FileCatalyst Central v3.6 and asked what type of improvements they would like to see in our next release of Central. Security was a topic of interest to our customers, and they were asking us about the things we are doing in terms of security. With this in mind, we have taken steps with SSL that has...

Moving Big Data in the Oil & Gas Industry

Did you know it takes over $100 million to drill a deep-water well? Holding true to the cliched phrase oil and gas companies know all too well: it takes money to make money. The deep digging associated with the oil and gas industry requires equally deep pockets. When it comes to making the big business decisions required in the oil and gas industry, major companies like Shell,...

The Benefits of File Transfer Automation

    Image Organizations today are challenged with maximizing their resources in a fiercely competitive environment. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Lost time is never found again.” This is a problem that IT departments of all sizes have become familiar with. Take, for example, an IT staff member who spends countless hours...

How To: Change Emulation Mode in Internet Explorer to Load TransferAgent Properly

Any FileCatalyst application that previously used embedded Java applets in a browser has a migration path to FileCatalyst TransferAgent. Moving forward with this solution, we have been able to bring functionality of this product Google Chrome v42 and newer. Firefox v40 and newer. Internet Explorer v10 and newer. In Internet Explorer, users have found that the...

Bringing content to life with Aframe

If you’ve ever tried to send a large video file, you know what a time consuming process it can be. For the production pros using Aframe – the world’s most powerful video collaboration platform – they need to transfer thousands of videos every day. Imagine how long this would take using standard FTP. Image Image ...

Picking up right where we left off with the 2016 Rio Olympic Games

Over the years, we have had the privilege of working with many customers and partners who have benefited from the FileCatalyst technology and this year, that privilege continues. Once again, NBC Sports and FileCatalyst join forces to deliver seamless coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. During the Games, NBC Olympics will utilize FileCatalyst technology to move data over a...

Teleportation, time travel and covered wagons

After the death of Leanord Nimoy this year, I found myself cruising the internet reading about him, about Star Trek, about sci-fi in general. I came across an article about teleportation that really caught my interest. This article pointed out that researchers had worked out how many bits of information were stored in a human being. It was an astounding 2.6 Tredecillion bits ...

An introduction to data gravity

A couple of months ago, our President and Co-Founder John Tkaczewski had the honour of presenting an introduction to data gravity at the NAB virtual conference. While the concept of data gravity has been around for a few years, it isn’t talked about very often, especially in relation to our business – file transfer. Coined in 2010 by Dave McCrory, the basic concept of...

FileCatalyst: What does it do (part 3)

Think of the internet as garden hose. Now let’s say that this hose has a kink and the amount of water flowing through the hose is constricted. By bringing in acceleration technology, the kink is removed and now the flow can be as much as the hose can take. The diameter of the hose will be your bandwidth, the higher the diameter the more data we can push, but we can’t push...

The effect of digital technology adoption in the oil and gas industry

A recent article by CIO UK points out how digital technology is rising exponentially in the oil and gas sector. From seismic imaging to e-learning, 80% of senior executives in the industry believe digital advancements have revolutionized how they work. The remaining 20% believe digital technology has had a tangible impact. No matter who you ask, it’s evident the adoption is...

A Corporate Cloud-Based Large File Attachment Solution

Looking for a corporate cloud-based large file attachment solution? With file sizes growing and email servers still having file size restrictions, companies are in desperate need of a solution. The options most companies have are: free or paid online service hosted by a third party, in-house file transfer mechanism, or self-hosted solution on the cloud. Going with the free or...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Coding, Clean Code Series (Part 2)

Image Sometimes the hardest part of clean code is getting everyone else on board.In my last post on clean coding I talked about why clean code was important, how it saves money in the long run and increases productivity. Now I want to talk a little bit about some of the do’s and don’ts of clean coding. Proper clean code without side...

Archives – A Perfect Fit for File Transfer Acceleration

A recent article at, discusses the ambiguity of the term “archive,” and uses the Library of Congress archives as an example of how digital media is changing the way films are preserved for future access and use. It was not within the scope of the article to discuss how files are shuttled between locations, but it seems clear that file transfer acceleration...

Driving Efficient Video Game Production: 5 Invaluable File Transfer Features

 Video game development requires vast amounts of communication and collaboration at every step of the process. As development occurs, teams must share and exchange files within the office, across the country or even around the world. Image During development, Electronic Arts’ “Battlefield 4” game files were as large as 50GB, making...

NASA’s 622 Mbps Link to the Moon: How to Increase Transfer Speeds for Large Files

In a recent press release NASA announced that now they have a 622 Mbps Laser link to the moon. The press release also mentions that NASA was also able to transfer data at 20Mbps from earth to the space craft via this link. I’m wondering what effective rate was NASA getting when transferring data on this link? The data should be transferring at the theoretical limit of 622Mbps....