

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

Image How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and...

Fast File Transfer: Obstacles and Options

Image Fast, faster, and fastest. With technology comes the benefit of speed to get through tasks easier and yes, faster. Transferring files is no exception. Organizations want and need files to get to their destination quickly and reliably. What Might Slow Down a File Transfer? Getting that business-critical file where it needs to...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

  Image Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws. Read...