

FTP 101: What are the Basics?

There's no shortage of shortage when choosing just the right FTP for your organization. Learn the differences and which FTP may be right for you.

Why Enterprise MFT Solutions are a Good Choice for Fast File Transfers

Businesses, especially large, growing, and enterprise-level ones, can certainly appreciate the benefits of streamlining and securing how their business-critical, sensitive data is transferred. After all, if not utilizing a secure, fast file transfer solution, this process can be ripe for human error, cybersecurity breaches, inefficiencies, and a lack of transparency. All these risks can create a...

The Highest Trending Topics on FileCatalyst in 2022

Just like with the high levels of speed FileCatalyst uses to blitz files across the digital highway, this year passed by in the blink of an eye. With the new year drawing closer by the second, organizations are finalizing  their new plans and looking to a year of growth. One way to achieve this growth is to invest in a fast file transfer solution, and like a New Year’s resolution to lose some...

Cybersecurity Tips: Boost File Security During Busy Holiday Season

Tis the season to be cautious when it comes to cybersecurity. With the holly jolly season upon us, it’s important to remember that there are a bunch of clever Grinches out there, determined to snatch your organization’s or your personal data for financial gain. Holiday Scams: A Cybersecurity Lump of Coal Black Friday and Cyber Monday may have come and...

What to Look for in Fast File Transfer

Whether you need to send broadcast files from halfway across the world, your files are super-sized, or you’re up against network challenges, your data ultimately needs to get where it’s going quickly and reliably. This need for speed can only be met with a file transfer solution designed specifically to accelerate file transfers. But how do you choose a fast file transfer solution that’s right for...

Why Fast File Transfer will be Invaluable for Sports Broadcasters in the 2022 World Cup

The World Cup is the most-watched sporting event on the planet. The 2018 World Cup in Russia saw a record-breaking audience of 3.5 billion people, and the upcoming 2022 version hosted by Qatar is expected to be watched by five billion people. For sports broadcasters and media outlets, it is a hugely busy but rewarding time. It is an event that provides so much content to drive and engage...

Implementing File Transfer Strategies for Cybersecurity

  So, you did your legwork and identified your cybersecurity needs around transferring files securely. You found your best secure file transfer solution by checking out a few top choices based on reviews, trials and maybe even a demo or two. And now that you’ve got the green light for your chosen secure file transfer solution, it’s time to put it to...

The Encryption Prescription For Healthcare

  “Trust me, I’m a doctor.” The saying is overused, but there’s a ring of truth to it. We do trust doctors – with our health, the delivery of our babies, the care of our parents, and the diagnosis of our illnesses. And a lot of information in between. It’s no wonder then that this information – private, sensitive, vulnerable, valuable – is protected...

How to Identify Cybersecurity Needs for File Transfers

    Cybersecurity. The word or concept seems to arise at some point in nearly every news feed lately. Its prominence has risen over the past few years as the impact of inadequate cybersecurity and very determined cybercriminals is so substantial – whether you’re a small business or a large, sprawling enterprise.   Before we dive into how to identify...

What Your Organization Needs to Know About Secure File Transfer

  It’s safe to say that the last few years have significantly increased the demand for Secure File Transfer (SFT) solutions such as GoAnywhere MFT. When the pandemic made vast numbers of the working population work from home almost overnight, there was a sudden spike in the requirement for robust and effective SFT. People needed to share documents and...

Overcome the Limits of Email Attachments with FileCatalyst

“Email too large.” That dreaded bounceback message you get after sending an important email with a large attachment can be avoided.  Most email systems impose a strict 25 MB size limitation on attachments. That just doesn’t cut it today, with hundreds of data-rich large files, videos, and more needing to be exchanged throughout the day. There is a way to ensure that your large attachments make...

How MFT Can Offset the Rising Cost of Data Breaches in 2022 

  There’s plenty to be concerned about when it comes to data breaches. At top of mind, there’s always the information that’s stolen, be it customer data, personal emails, confidential files, or any other number of company secrets that are supposed to remain within the company. Then there’s the monetary cost of the data breach – the amount of dollars...

Are SSH and SFTP the Same?

Are SSH and SFTP the Same? SSH and SFTP are a classic pair. They intertwine when it comes to securing communication, and while they have similar capabilities, they are not the same thing. So, what’s the difference between them? Read on to find out.   What is SSH? Secure Shell (SSH) is a transport layer that is used to secure logins and...

Revoke Access to Your Files from Anywhere – Digital Rights Management (DRM) and How it Works

Your auditor sends a copy of your company’s recent financial statements to his firm to verify another clean pass. Because he’s worked there for years, he sends the file to his partner without encrypting it and leaves for the day. On his way home, his phone buzzes as an email notification comes in with the subject “Wrong Jeff?” Almost immediately, your...

What is High Latency File Transfer and Why Should You Use It

When taking off on a vacation, the less time spent traveling the better, right? A non-stop flight, versus one with iffy connections and layovers is the way to go whenever possible. There are fewer hiccups, and the overall experience is simply better. File transfers operating in a high latency network can be a bit like that multi-stop flight, with delays, missed connections, and a general bog down...

How to Secure Your Data Exchanges

  Exchanging Data Securely Requires Stepped Up Data Transfer Methods Exchanging data is easy, right? Just grab a file, attach it, and hit “send.” Then sit back and relax. Not so fast! If you want to securely exchange data and protect any sensitive data your files may contain, you need to send them with a secure file transfer solution that protects...

This Month in Cybersecurity: The Weather is Heating Up and So Are Cyberattacks

  At the time of writing, much of Europe and the U.S. is in the midst of a major heatwave, delivering record temperatures and concerns about climate change. Just as the heat is rising, so is the threat of cyberattacks. New data has emerged that reveals 2022 is looking like it could be the worst year ever for cybersecurity in terms of the volume and...

4 Ways You Can Use Your Digital Rights Management Tool

    In an increasingly collaborative work environment, it’s more important now than ever before that your organization has the highest level of visibility and control possible over its data. While knowing how to choose the right data security solutions such as managed file transfer, data classification, and more is a challenge in and of itself, the...

Common Questions About Fast File Transfer

There is no doubt we live in an information-intensive world, one in which getting the right data quickly is often pivotal to an organization’s success. Moving files from point A to point B requires many considerations, but when it comes to large, mission-critical files that need to reach recipients around the world as fast as possible, it’s time to move beyond options such as Dropbox and Google...