Omaha, Neb - June 24, 2013
In order to make transferring files on mobile devices more secure and convenient, Linoma Software [now Fortra] has released the GoAnywheretm File Transfer app for Android operating systems.
This new app provides users on their Android phones or tablets with the ability to easily transfer files over an encrypted tunnel. Similar to the GoAnywhere web client for ad-hoc file transfers, the new Android app allows authorized users to only access designated folders on the corporate network. These folders can be restricted with certain access rights, such as read-only or upload permissions.
Users do not need any special training or technical skills to use the new android app. They can simply select files and choose to upload/download them with a tap on the screen.
"We know our customers are increasingly using smartphones to interact with their workplace," said Bob Luebbe, Chief Architect for GoAnywhere. "As employees become more mobile, we wanted to make it easier for them to connect with their corporate servers to pull the authorized files they needed, or to upload information from wherever they were."
The GoAnywhere File Transfer Android app also provides an option for Secure Mail, which allows users to send email messages with unique links to files that recipients can download securely through a HTTPS connection. Secure Mail solves the challenge of users trying to attach files that are too large or that are too sensitive to be sent via standard email. In addition, the sender retains control of the files since the recipient will be downloading them from the organization's secured internal server, rather than hosted on a third-party server.
"We're always listening to our customers and this new Android app was something they were asking for," Luebbe said. "Our customers' trading partners and vendors can also use this app to exchange files with our customers' systems. It's a win-win for everyone."
The GoAnywhere File Transfer android app is available for download now in the Google Play store. It is free to customers of GoAnywhere Services HTTP/s module.
GoAnywhere Services is a secure FTP server for the enterprise, part of the GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer software suite. It allows organizations to make it easy for trading partners, remote employees, and other external parties to initiate encrypted file exchanges through standard protocols including SFTP, FTPS and HTTPS.