

How Important is Auditing Your File Transfers?

  When you send someone a file using FTP, how do you know (and later prove) that it was successfully sent? Consider the Complexities It might be possible to save a screenshot as long as the process was simple and you can see all the commands on a single screen. But what if your commands start getting complex? And if you start sending quite a few...

Reverse Proxy DMZ Secure Gateways Might Be the Missing Link in Your MFT Strategy

  By now, most companies have gotten the message that their data—as well as the sensitive data belonging to customers and partners—needs reliable protection from unauthorized access. The ever growing regulatory environment is making it more and more painful for any company who does not take their data security seriously. The challenges of data...

What Makes FTP an Outdated Security Method

  Why is FTP an Outdated Protocol? FTP was designed as an easy mechanism for exchanging files between computers at a time when networks were new and information security was an immature science. In the 1970s, if you wanted to secure a server from unwanted access, you simply locked the computer room door. User access to data was controlled by the basic...