

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and reliability of purpose...

How GoAnywhere MFT Maximizes File Transfers for the Retail Industry

    GoAnywhere MFT Secures Customer Data for the Retail Industry   Protecting customer data integrity is crucial for the retail industry. Data breaches are no joke, especially when a company’s reputation is on the line. There really is no room for error when highly sensitive credit card data and other personal information could be compromised by...

7 Unique Ways to Use MFT for Manufacturing

  While the manufacturing industry is often thought of as primarily centered around physical processes and tangible output, it also requires that electronic data files be exchanged between your trading partners, departments and government entities. These transfers, along with other key business processes, don’t have to entail hundreds of hours that...