

Sharing Financial Files: Benefits of MFT

Financial file matters matter. Not only are these files a top priority to the banks and financial institutions that handle millions of transactions daily, they also matter to the industry’s compliance regulators, and to the public trusting that their financial information is secured. How organizational and personal financial data is handled and...

Why Choose AS2 for Secure File Transfers?

Securing all the data your organization exchanges is a need, not a want in today’s cybersecurity environment. To minimize the risk of a security breach – whether intentionally malicious, or accidental through user error – takes the proverbial village of proactive measures. One of these is employing strong protocols such as AS2 (Applicability...

How MFT Helps Move Large Files

What is Needed to Move Large Files?Big files need big solutions, or rather solutions capable of reliably and securely moving files in and out of an organization. Instead of relying on free or open-sourced solutions that “might” move a big file, consider your organization’s needs around file sizes, security, encryption, compliance requirements for...

FTP 101: What are the Basics?

There's no shortage of shortage when choosing just the right FTP for your organization. Learn the differences and which FTP may be right for you.

AS2 Drummond Certified: GoAnywhere MFT Delivers Security and Interoperability

If you’re looking for a secure managed file transfer solution, why not check one out that has been recognized by the Drummond Group as AS2-certified? The AS2 features in Fortra' GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution, were reviewed and tested against the world's highest standards, as set by the Drummond Group.Drummond AS2 Certification...

Best Practices to Share Large Files for Work

There are thousands of ways you could share large files, both with your colleagues or with friends and family: you can choose from half a dozen popular file storage and synchronization services, specialized one-time services, or even email. But there are some differences in best practices when it comes to personal versus work file sharing, and these...

Improve Your Big Data File Transfers: 11 Security Features to Consider

New challenges and new opportunities have arisen due to big data, which is altering the nature of file transfer technology.The Good NewsBig data is leading to new file sharing technology, which is making it easier to solve certain big data file transfer problems. On the other hand, it is increasing the bandwidth requirements companies face, including...

What is Drummond Certification?

Drummond Certification: What is it? The Drummond Group is a third-party certification body that certifies software products and solutions to ensure a given solution does what it says it will. A security solution that goes through their extensive certification process earns the right to add the Drummond-certified distinction to its product...

AS2 vs. FTP

When it comes to B2B communications, AS2 and FTP rank among the most popular file transfer protocols. Each protocol can serve your business in a different way, which makes it important to examine your needs along the research journey. Today we’re going to examine AS2 vs. FTP by their key components to help you decide which file transfer protocol will...

19 Ways to Transfer Big Files

You have choices when it comes to sending large files. You can choose to take your chances with free file transfer solutions, but they can be risky. Using a managed file transfer (MFT) solution is a reliable way to secure your data and ensure it gets where it needs to be.Here’s a few ways you can get peace-of-mind when sending your big files.Send your...

9 Mistakes You Might Make When Sending Big Files

Sending that small file, or even a few small files, is a no-brainer at most organizations. But what about those massive, unwieldly and oh-so-sensitive files that inevitably get “stuck” or noted as “undeliverable.” You know the ones…those really important files that need to be somewhere yesterday! Without a company-approved file sharing method in...

How Do I Securely Share and Send Large Files?

The biggest danger of passing notes in grade school was interception by your teacher (or a box checked “no”) but sending large files these days carries a lot more risk. Messages that you’re sending in a work capacity likely contain information that’s more sensitive than schoolyard gossip or a question for your crush – and the person intercepting it...

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!“Drive carefully,” Eat your vegetables,” “Share those toys with your brother,” “Think again about how you’re transferring all those large files!”You know, your mom’s right. She usually is. And, when it comes to transferring big files, it IS smart to adopt a best practices approach when it comes...

What's the Difference Between AS2, AS3, and AS4?

If you think these three protocols are simply sequential updates from the 1990s’ AS1 protocol you’d be mistaken. Each protocol brings its own distinct features to the data transmission table. Here’s a few key differences between them.What is AS2?AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a protocol specification used to transmit sensitive data securely and...

Best Practices to Share Large Files

Sharing large files is critical for most businesses, but how do you ensure files make it to the right people — and not everyone else? When considerations like security, bulk transfers, and tracking come into play, businesses need more than a one-off solution to share files with employees, customers, and trading partners.Luckily, there are a lot of...

Transferring Big Files: Everything You Need to Know

We’ve all done it. Held our breath, crossed our fingers, or simply hoped for the best when hitting “send” to electronically share a large file. With a solid managed file transfer (MFT) in place, that critical keystroke doesn’t have to be so tense. With MFT, users can confidently move previously unwieldly files, knowing that delivery to a trading...

5 Tips for Large File Transfers

It doesn't matter if you’re a small organization, a small-to-medium-sized (SMB) business, or an enterprise: at some point, you’ll likely need to exchange a large file transfer with a trading partner, third-party vendor, or client. If you don’t know how to support a large file transfer or lack the tools to execute it properly, this may be a...

Which is Better? - AS2 vs. AS4

AS2 vs. AS4AS2 and AS4 are both popular file transfer protocols that allow businesses to exchange data securely with their business partners. However, what is the difference between them, and which of the two is better?What is AS2?AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a protocol specification that’s used to transmit sensitive data securely and reliably...

Which is Better: AS2 vs. SFTP?

Over the last several months, we’ve compared many different file transfer protocols, including SFTP vs. FTPS and SFTP vs. MFT, and MFT vs. Dropbox for secure file sharing.Today, we’re going to look at AS2 vs. SFTP. How do these popular file transfer protocols work? How do they differ? And most importantly, which one is better for your organization’s file exchange requirements?Let’s dive in.What is...

SHA-2 and TLS Security for AS2 Transfers

SHA-2 and TLS Security for AS2 Transfers It’s crucial for organizations to take the time to upgrade the security used to protect their AS2 data transfers. In order to be compliant with the latest security standards, you need to be using a modern AS2 solution. Related Reading: AS2 Protocol Software for Client & Server Transfers The Story...