

3 Powerful Examples of MFT and DLP Paired in Action

    Image   On paper, combining two robust software products to form a more complete solution is a no-brainer. But how does it actually work in “real life?” First, let’s take a look at what the two solutions – adaptive data loss protection (A-DLP) and managed file transfer (MFT) – each offer to users. Then, we’ll highlight a few...

What to Consider When Choosing an MFT Solution

  Image A managed file transfer (MFT) solution simplifies your data security, automation, server-to-sever file transfers, and more. Organizations move from other file transfer methods to MFT solutions for various reasons, but mostly for some combination of: Centralization Time and money savings Increased security Whether your...

Why Businesses Need MFT

  Image Why Businesses Need MFT Reputations can be built or ruined in a matter of a few keystrokes. Just ask any business victimized by a data breach – either malicious or due to human error. The loss of reputation, trust, money, and time can be nearly incalculable. But, it’s not only a data breach that can severely impact a...

7 Benefits of Using Managed File Transfer (MFT)

  Image Moving beyond the scripts and programs you lovingly set up to carry your data around can be scary but, like pushing a baby bird out of the nest, it eventually becomes necessary. Instead of sending data “in the clear,” constantly fixing scripts, or mad dashes to pull together audit logs, switch to a secure file transfer method...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

  Image Virtual Hug Coming Your Way As workforces are now more remote than ever due to COVID-19, it’s not just lagging Wi-Fi you need to keep an eye on. Files containing your organization’s most sensitive data are being put to the test, most likely no longer within the safety of your company’s firewall and not secure enough to...

Why You Should Integrate Your DLP with MFT

  Image Why Integrating DLP with MFT Enhances Data Security Like Calvin and Hobbes, Sherlock and Watson, or even Ben and Jerry, a good partnership combines the best of both worlds – and creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Joining complimentary software solutions can do the same, opening up a new world of data...