

PeSIT Protocol: Advantages and Considerations

The PeSIT file transfer protocol, used primarily by financial organizations in Europe, enables files to be written and read from one machine to another on a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint basis. And, while it can certainly be used beyond banking, it remains one of the lesser known, but still secure and reliable file transfer protocols for the financial industry.

How Managed File Transfer (MFT) Meets the Evolving Needs of Businesses

Businesses are under increasing pressure to securely exchange sensitive data with partners, customers, and suppliers. This exchange is crucial for collaboration, decision-making, and operational efficiency. However, traditional file transfer methods, such as email attachments and FTP servers, often lack the necessary security, reliability, and automation to address modern organizations' demands...

Securing Data in SharePoint and Other Cloud Applications with MFT

Organizations adopting cloud-based storage platforms as their go-to for the mountains of data they want retain and work with do so for a number of reasons, including flexibility, scalability, and potential cost savings. However, security and control over sensitive data may be sacrificed if key security gaps aren’t closed.Even popular, user-friendly platforms such as SharePoint, Dropbox, and...

Optimized UI and Built-in Security Can Boost MFT Usage; Minimize Risk

Human behavior can be the driving force behind whether a software solution, such as Managed File Transfer (MFT), is successfully adopted by employees or is discarded in favor of familiar, or even clunky, legacy script solutions. Organizations weighing their file transfer software options should consider the solution’s user interface (UI), as well as its built-in security features and controls to...

Best Practices for Data Retention

Incorporating data retention best practices as part of an organization’s overall data management processes is a key strategy to wrapping sensitive data with layers of protection and intent throughout its entire lifecycle. Applying best practices around retention and purging data can increase an organization’s overall security posture and strengthen defense against cybercrime or inadvertent...

How Organizations Are Using MFT Today

Once housed in the echelons of “industry best practice,” managed file transfer (MFT) is now becoming common practice for organizations across any industry. Here are how some of those businesses are using MFT today to secure and automate their file transfers. Automation One of the most prominent uses for MFT is replacing manual processes and custom scripts with set-it-and-forget-it ways to manage...

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and reliability of purpose...

How Are You Doing with PCI DSS v4.0 Compliance?

As of March 31, 2024, organizations in the payments industry will need to comply with all new PCI DSS v.4.0 requirements. Find out what the new obligations will be, how to tie them into your enterprise, and how Fortra can help. For many organizations, 2024 will be a big year. Aside from focusing on increasing revenues, market share, and demand,...

Load Balancing Keeps Files Moving, Processes Running

Dreaded network bottlenecks and the ensuing risk of downtime are anxiety-producing situations for many IT teams. Afterall, uptime is how business gets done and when that fails, the domino effect can have serious repercussions. Load balancing, however, can act as a preventative, to keep network traffic flowing. What is Load Balancing? Load...

How MFT Helps the Insurance Industry Secure Files

Insurance industry insiders know an insurance policy is one of the few products purchased that most people hope to never have to put to use. Afterall, “using” your insurance means that an adverse event has occurred – an auto accident, medical crisis, storm damage, or any number of situations where not having a policy in place could have huge...

What is a TFTP Server?

What is a TFTP Server? TFTP, or Trivial File Transfer Protocol lives up to its name as it is a lightweight, simple protocol used to send files across a network. The server of this “trivial” protocol allows computers in and out of an organization’s network to exchange files using TFTP. As a lightweight protocol, there is less complexity, and...

What We Learned in Our Inaugural State of Cybersecurity Survey

No one knows the challenges of securing an organization like the professionals who carry that responsibility daily. We set out to better understand the things they deal with and what they plan to focus on in our inaugural 2024 Fortra State of Cybersecurity Survey. Here are five key takeaways from the survey. 81% Call Phishing and Smishing Top...

Building Strong Software Through Third-Party and Internal Testing

In my last post I wrote about protecting the supply chain and how strong bricks make strong walls, referencing how creating software with strong internal components and securely crafted code adds strength to the enterprises using that software. When considering any component being added into an environment, evaluating its security posture and attack...

On-Premises vs. Cloud: Which File Transfer Method is Best for You?

If your organization is debating between on-premises and cloud deployment for your business-critical file transfer needs, there are a few considerations around compliance, resources, and infrastructure to help you determine which option makes the most sense for your organization. “If you’re already using an on-premises solution, any discussion of...

How MFT Solves Email Attachment Problems

Managed File Transfer (MFT) future-proofs an organization’s ability to send files at the speed of business and break free of the limiting constraints of email attachments.

MFT Security Champions: First Responders for Solution Security

What is a Security Champion? Software users have expectations that the solution they choose to execute key business functions is continually being assessed for security, among other attributes. One role within security-conscious organizations that helps proactively meet those expectations is that of Security Champion. According to industry...

Sharing Financial Files: Benefits of MFT

Financial file matters matter. Not only are these files a top priority to the banks and financial institutions that handle millions of transactions daily, they also matter to the industry’s compliance regulators, and to the public trusting that their financial information is secured. How organizational and personal financial data is handled and...

Protecting the Supply Chain: Strong Bricks Make Strong Walls

When I was young, we had toy bricks made of cardboard that were great for tiny hands. They were lightweight and easy to stack, and we created many walls, forts, and towers. As wonderful as these were, they would do little to protect against an attacking army. For that, we’d need strong material and sound construction for defense. Quarried stone and...

MFT Software Demos: Maximize Your Time

When it comes to selecting software that can have a major impact on how your organization conducts business and secures its most valuable data, you can look at the process much like you do when considering a new vehicle. While a test drive of that shiny new ride can help confirm your expectations for speed and performance, a one-on-one...