

What is Shadow IT and Why is it a Problem?

Shadow IT Doesn’t Lurk in the Shadows – it's PrevalentAlthough it may seem foreign now, there was once a time when an organization’s IT department had complete and total control over the technology being used by the organization. Before software could be purchased, or before anyone clicked download, the IT Director’s blessing was needed.In current...

Thinking about Managed File Transfer? MFT Trials are Invaluable.

Test-driving MFT Technology is InvaluableTaking a car out for a test drive provides a ton of insight. That sleek magazine ad or dazzling showroom floor may tempt you, but sometimes flashy looks and skilled salespeople can deliver a ride that doesn’t quite live up to your expectations. Getting behind the wheel to put that sleek ride through its paces,...

The 10 Biggest Data Security Breaches of 2021

2021 Was Not Fun for Those Who Suffered a Data BreachAlthough 2021 brought about many positive changes and more of a return to normalcy, it did not bring fun times for the many organizations who suffered from costly data breaches.With the numbers, costs, and impacts of a data breach on the rise, it’s important to do what you can to protect your...

Making MFT Work in Today's Enterprise

One of today’s major IT challenges is the work of moving large amounts of data between systems and facilities, and doing so securely and economically. GoAnywhere, a secure data transit platform for Managed File Transfer (MFT), offers a solution. GoAnywhere provides autonomous control of a company’s data. The platform encrypts data sent between a...

What is Encrypted File Sharing?

What is Encrypted File Sharing?Whether you’re sending data back and forth for edits or accessing a shared document, file security is important. Encrypted file sharing is a method of securely exchanging data either internally or externally by encoding data and protecting its transmission.Data encryption uses algorithms to scramble the contents of files...

MFT’s Role in Data-Centric Security

What is Data-Centric Security and is MFT a Part of It? When an organization’s security focus encompasses the varied technology, approaches, and policies that zero in on protecting the actual data organizations are entrusted with, versus merely the infrastructure, that strategy is considered data centric. And yes, managed file transfer (MFT) is...

Why You Should Invest in MFT

Let’s Look ForwardAs we approach the New Year, the importance of secure file transfers is only going to grow as cybersecurity threats expand and more and more sensitive data needs to be exchanged.So, let’s look forward and see why now is the perfect time to invest in a secure managed file transfer solution like GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT)...

What is SOC 2 and Why it Matters for Security

There are some things in life that should be a given: rollercoasters are inspected regularly, chefs wash their hands, and your organization’s file transfers are secure.That last is a little more nebulous to see immediate cause-and-effect (it’s not like your rollercoaster car rolling off the tracks or getting food poisoning!) but unsecure file...

What Are Self-Service MFT Capabilities?

What Are Self-Service MFT Capabilities? The act of self-service is a simple action to provide the capability for business users to do the work and carry out tasks themselves. Self-service capabilities should be simple and effective, ensure security standards are adhered to, meet compliance regulations, and elevate the potential of your...

Is MFT the Next Big Integrating Technology?

Is MFT Integration Software?MFT, which stands for managed file transfer, is not, strictly speaking, integration software. Managed file transfer at the most basic level is a transfer tool designed to get your data from A to B securely.Despite that, many MFT solutions take over the functions of everyday file transfer tools and scripts—automation,...

Data Breaches in Small Business

Data Breaches in Small Business are a Dime a DozenNo business is too small to be targeted in a data breach. In fact, according to Fundera's small business cybersecurity statistics, 43 percent of cyberattacks are targeted against small businesses.Small businesses are often attractive targets because they still have an abundance of sensitive data...

Is MFT Dead?

As cybersecurity technology continues to advance, some might ask whether secure MFT is fading away as a viable option for organizations to use for their file transfer needs. If organizations do choose to utilize MFT for their secure file transfer purposes, they will certainly select the best MFT software they can. The bottom line is that MFT will not...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws.Read on to discover how data...

The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2022: How to Avoid Cybersecurity Attacks

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest issues of our time. Organizations are gradually investing more and more into cybersecurity. Microsoft expects to be investing upwards of $1 billion a year on cybersecurity for the foreseeable future and they certainly won’t be the only organization to increase their spending. In 2019, organizations began...

How Windows Works with GoAnywhere MFT

What is MFT? Managed file transfer, often shortened to MFT, is a category of software solutions that centralize and secure data movement. The majority of MFT solutions offer automation and encryption to simplify file transfers within organizations and to trading partners. Related Reading: What is MFT and How Does it Work? What is GoAnywhere? ...

The Benefits of Secure Collaboration Tools

Content collaboration platforms have become critical to an organization’s growth, especially within the context of increased remote work. However, not all content collaboration platforms are created equal: some platforms will prove to be clunky and difficult to navigate, which defeats the purpose of utilizing them. What is Content Collaboration?...

What’s the Number One Enterprise MFT Solution?

Enterprise operations make critical decisions daily with an impact often felt around the world. One of those choices: selecting the right enterprise managed file transfer (MFT) solution to ensure all the data exchanged daily both internally and externally is secure and the exchange process is automated to maximize productivity.G2 Names GoAnywhere Best...

What Are the Current Cyber Threat Trends in 2021?

Many current cyber threat trends hinge on change and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it’s a panicked email recipient falling for a phishing scheme, innovations in ransomware, or simply remote workforces offering larger surfaces to attack, the goal of each is to find gaps in your company’s cyber security armor.Here are the old, new...

Is SFTP a Good Choice for Enterprise-level MFT?

Organizations large and small face hundreds of decisions each day – some more critical than others, but all with potentially large-scale impact on employees, trading partners, and customers. When it comes to deciding how to best collaborate and share often-sensitive, proprietary files across your organization, carefully weighing available file...

Is it Time for a Scalable File Transfer Solution?

One size does not fit all. If your file transfer needs and requirements have changed over the years, or even months, it’s time to consider a scalable managed file transfer (MFT) solution. Still Using Manual Scripts? Scale Up. If your IT team is still creating scripts and programs to handle your file transfers and constantly updating them as...