

Transferring Big Files: Everything You Need to Know

  We’ve all done it. Held our breath, crossed our fingers, or simply hoped for the best when hitting “send” to electronically share a large file. With a solid managed file transfer (MFT) in place, that critical keystroke doesn’t have to be so tense. With MFT, users can confidently move previously unwieldly files, knowing that delivery to a trading...

5 Tips for Large File Transfers

    It doesn't matter if you’re a small organization, a small-to-medium-sized (SMB) business, or an enterprise: at some point, you’ll likely need to exchange a large file transfer with a trading partner, third-party vendor, or client. If you don’t know how to support a large file transfer or lack the tools to execute it properly, this may be a...

What is Operation Yellowhammer and How Does it Affect Data Transfers?

    What is Operation Yellowhammer?   If you are located in the United Kingdom (UK), then you may already be familiar with Operation Yellowhammer and its relationship to Brexit and the European Union (EU). For those of you that haven’t been briefed on Operation Yellowhammer and how it relates to Brexit, now is the perfect time to learn how this...

GDPR: Understanding the 8 Rights of Data Subjects

Find out what these new rights mean for your organization and how you can prepare.   GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the EU’s new legal framework that replaced the EU Data Protection Directive in May 2018. While the directive was merely a recommendation, GDPR carries the force of law. The purpose of GDPR is similar to...

Understanding the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Note from the Editor: This is an older resource on GDPR. For more on the latest GDPR resources, check out our GDPR resource page. Table of Contents Introduction What is the GDPR? GDPR and the Data Protection Directive 2018: The Year of GDPR GDPR and Brexit GDPR Fines and Penalties How to Prepare for the GDPR GDPR...