
Press Release

Free Open PGP Encryption Tool Now Available

Omaha, Neb - March 25, 2013 Linoma Software [now Fortra] is pleased to announce the release of a free encryption tool for the desktop that uses the popular Open PGP standard. This unrestricted freeware, named GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio, can encrypt sensitive documents on a variety of operating systems including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X....

Sending large media files: How free services stack up

Ever run into issues sending large media files via email? The answer is probably yes, especially if you work in a field which requires the transfer of large format video or audio files on a daily basis. While email is great for many types of workplace communications, file size limitations (usually around 10 to 25MB) make it next to impossible to...
Press Release

GoAnywhere Services 3.1 Adds Clustering, Load Balancing

Omaha, Neb - January 3, 2013 As organizations become increasingly integrated with their trading partners, it is even more critical that electronic documents/files can be exchanged without delays or disruptions. Organizations are therefore looking at how to provide the most consistent access -- or high availability -- for their file transfer environments, usually comprised of one or more SFTP...

What Is Your High Availability Plan for Your SFTP Server?

As organizations and their trading partners become more and more integrated, it's critical that file transfers perform without delays or disruptions. For instance, a document containing a batch of transactions could traditionally be delivered within a window of several hours without causing any issues. But today, in the effort to make business...
On-Demand Webinar

Aberdeen's AberFast and FileCatalyst

Aberdeen’s AberFast solution enables the quick sharing of files across the globe with their cloud-based file delivery and transcoding solution. Helping to give the digital delivery system its extra oomph in file transfer speed is an integration with FileCatalyst UDP-based technology. The partnership provides clients operating in the broadcast industry a one-stop solution to upload, transcode, and...

Keeping File Transfers Secure from Hackers and Cyber Threats

Keep Your Files Secure In the battle to secure information, it helps to know a little bit about how it can be compromised. Using FTP is one way to expose critical vulnerabilities and can allow credentials to be hacked. However, these holes in security can also be easily closed if you know how. How Hackers Discover Vulnerabilities Here's how...

Java and Windows 7 Services

I recently had an interesting support case that I thought deserved to be shared with everyone. Essentially the customer was unable to run FileCatalyst Server as a service on Windows 7 Premium with the Windows firewall up. After attempting several things we discovered that it was a permissions issue with Java and Windows 7 services. To fix this I edited the fcconf.conf file as an administrator and...

How to Solve 4 Common Email Security Challenges

Yes. Emailing someone is still one of the easiest ways to share data. However, there are some important caveats to sharing files this way that can put your organization’s file transfers at risk. Email File Transfer Challenges These are the four big challenges that organizations should be aware of when transmitting files via email. Email is...

Comparison of web-based file transfer methodologies

Transferring large files over the internet has never been a simple task. Anyone that has ever tried to transfer a file larger than 100MB can vouch for the slow transfer speeds, multiple disconnects, data corruption, complexity of the task and security issues surrounding FTP. The same problem exists for web developers trying to implement web-based file transfer functionality. Ideally, the end user...

FIPS 140-2 Plays Vital Government Business Role

What is FIPS 140-2? FIPS 140-2 is a standard with which cryptographic-based (encryption) security systems must comply when protecting sensitive data in U.S. government agencies and departments. This FIPS 140-2 standard also extends to other entities that may exchange sensitive data with the federal government, including defense contractors,...


There seems to always be some confusion as to when to use the HTTP POST versus the HTTP PUT method for REST services. Most developers will try to associate CRUD operations directly to HTTP methods. I will argue that this is not correct and one can not simply associate the CRUD concepts to the HTTP methods. That is: Create => HTTP PUT Retrieve => HTTP GET Update => HTTP POST Delete =...
Press Release

Virtual Folder Highlight GoAnywhere Services 3.0

Omaha, Neb - September 26, 2012 Accessing files quickly across growing storage networks while ensuring data remains secure is crucial for any company in today's business environment. The latest release of GoAnywhere Services 3.0 with its new "Virtual Folders" feature and network shares option makes secure online access to information seamless for the end user and easy to configure for the...

FileCatalyst IBC 2012 Wrap-up

FileCatalyst exhibited at the IBC (International Broadcasting Convention) show in Amsterdam, the expo portion having run from September 7–11. It is one of the biggest shows of its type in the world, and I always find it interesting to be a part of the team in attendance. With IBC 2012 behind us, here are some parting thoughts: It was hectic, and I mean that in the best way. This year’s attendance...

Why hardware solutions can never truly replace software for file transfer acceleration

In the world of file transfer acceleration, there are multiple approaches using both WAN Optimization appliances or pure software solutions like FileCatalyst. Hardware sometimes give the impression of perceived value; there is a tangibility that you just don’t get with software. But can a hardware solution on its own really replace software for file transfer acceleration? The answer is no. ...

How to Build a Framework for HIPAA and HITECH Compliance

HIPAA, established in 1996, was signed into law to outline the appropriate ways to use and disclose patient health information. Read on to learn how to develop a HIPAA- and HITECH-compliant IT framework for your organization. Why Does HITECH Exist? HITECH laws were enacted to up the ante on healthcare organizations to meet HIPAA legal...
Press Release

Outlook 2010 Plugin Now Available for GoAnywhere Secure Mail

Omaha, Neb - August 1, 2012 Download PDF Organizations whose employees have been using email to send confidential files have realized the dangers that unsecure email can pose. That's why Linoma Software added a Secure Mail module to its popular secure FTP server, GoAnywhere Services, part of the GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) software suite. Released in February, 2012, the Secure Mail...
Press Release

Linoma Software [now HelpSystems] Adds Japanese Firm to Team of Global Partners

Omaha, Neb - July 17, 2012 As Linoma Software continues to expand its global sales initiatives, it has added yet another sales partner to its team. Linoma president Bob Luebbe is pleased to announce a partnership with SOLPAC, a leading software and consulting firm based in Tokyo, Japan. "The IBM Power Systems market is going strong in Japan," Luebbe said, "and when this opportunity to work with...

Addressing HIPAA and HITECH Compliance Challenges

HIPAA and HITECH regulations were designed and enacted to increase the security surrounding personal health information from those who should not have access to it. Next to finance, the healthcare industry is one of the most regulated industries around. While debates on the cost, structure, and delivery of healthcare continues, most people agree...

Open Source Fast File Transfers

There exist a number of open source projects trying to tackle accelerated file transfer via UDP. Some solutions are more mature than others and also use different technologies to solve the same problem of large data transfer over WAN. This article should provide the reader enough information to compare the different solutions and gauge if an open source project could be used instead of purchasing...

Analysis On Improving Throughput Part 2: Memory

The life cycle of a file transfer follows this basic pattern: The first and last step in the diagram, Disk IO, were covered in Part 1 of the series: Improving Throughput Part 1: Disk IO. Disk IO is always a good place to start when analysing a system to see why files are not transferring fast enough. In the 2nd article in...