

7 Scenarios in Which to Use Encryption Software

  Not sure what encryption software is used for – or maybe just when to use each type? Discover common file transfer scenarios and which data encryption protocol best fits your needs.   What is Data Encryption Software? Data encryption software, also called file encryption software, solutions come in various forms: free or paid, robust or...

What is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)?

    What is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)?   Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) is a new pay-for-use business model used by ransomware developers where malicious actors (known as affiliates) can outsource or lease already-developed ransomware attacks the same way legitimate software developers lease Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products. Because RaaS...

This Month in Cybersecurity: E-Reader Threats and More

    In the last month, a lot has happened in the world of cybersecurity. Cyber threats are more numerous than ever before, which has brought both private sector and government organizations to take remediation actions seriously. Let’s break down some of the biggest stories of the last month. Israeli...

Best Practices to Share Large Files for Work

  There are thousands of ways you could share large files, both with your colleagues or with friends and family: you can choose from half a dozen popular file storage and synchronization services, specialized one-time services, or even email. But there are some differences in best practices when it comes to personal versus work file sharing, and these...

What is PGP Encryption and How to Use It

  Encryption is key to securing organizational data in the short term and long. However, there are a few different types of encryption that organizations can use to achieve the optimal level of security. GnuPG is one of the most notable. However, today we’ll break down how PGP encryption works and how to use it to maintain the safety of your files. ...

Is On-Premises Enterprise File Sharing Right for Your Business?

  Now that offices are re-opening and bringing employees back under one roof, do you need to revisit your on-premises file sharing solution? What is On-Premises File Sharing? Like other file sharing solutions, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box, on-premises file sharing solutions give employees flexibility in how and from where they access work...

Ransomware Attacks on Small Businesses: How to Mitigate

  More than fireworks exploded as Americans were prepping for Independence Day celebrations as hundreds of companies awoke on July 3rd to yet another massive ransomware attack. This attack attempted to cripple the networks of up to 200 companies and up to 1,500 downstream businesses. All signs point to it being the handiwork of a ransomware...

This Month in Cybersecurity: Bolstering Defenses and Best Practices

  Every day, cybersecurity becomes more important for businesses. Organizations have a need to protect their customer data and the number of attacks that businesses have experienced has increased. The bottom line is that cybersecurity news and best practices are important to pay attention to. Without further ado, let’s get into some of the latest news...

How Managed File Transfer Supports SWIFT Compliance

  Any organization that handles sensitive financial data knows that secure transfers are essential to data security. Discover how a secure file transfer solution can support and enhance your SWIFT usage. What is SWIFT? SWIFT, short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, is a leading secure messaging service for financial...

GDPR and its Relationship with Healthcare

    What is GDPR?   The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes protections for the privacy and security of sensitive data for individuals in the European Union (EU). The data protection regulation was designed to harmonize data privacy laws throughout the EU and replaced the long-standing Data Protection Directive. GDPR regulations...

What is PGP and How Does It Work?

  When someone in your organization wants to transfer a file – internally or outside of the organization – a few concerns may come up: Is the file complete? Is it being sent to the right place? Will it arrive intact? Is sensitive data protected and encrypted from unauthorized recipients? All are valid concerns, and each can be addressed with the...

Who is Protecting Your Healthcare Records?

  Patient Privacy is in Jeopardy: Data Breaches, High Payouts, and PHI How important is a patient's privacy? If your organization is a healthcare facility, the instinctive answer that comes to mind is "Very important!" After all, a patient's privacy is the basis upon which a doctor/patient relationship is based. Right? When it comes to patient data,...

The Biggest Cyber Risks Organizations Face Today

    Today’s Biggest Cyber Risks   When your organization handles sensitive data on a consistent basis, the looming threat of cyber risks is around every corner. Although cyber threats aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, the good news is that resources like cyber threat intelligence metrics can help with analyzing risks and understanding which...

Why Banking Growth in Latin America Correlates with Cybercrime

    Bancarization is Exploding in Latin America Latin America is the fastest-growing banking market worldwide, and growth is only expected to continue. Forecasts are anticipating 10 percent increases across all Latin American banking sectors through 2022. Bancarization refers to both the amount of access and the degree of usage of financial services...

Top 12 File Transfer Frustrations

  Sending and exchanging files is a vital daily task in most organizations. However, this responsibility to exchange information comes with some pretty common frustrations and risks unless the file transfer process is secure and managed appropriately. Here are a few of the biggest frustrations in file transfers and some solutions to help alleviate them...

5 Topics You Should Know About in the World of Cybersecurity

    Every year, organizations work hard to protect their data and analyze potential risks to it. However, as we’ve seen recently, the number of cybersecurity risks and data breaches has risen sharply. This makes it even more important to keep up with the newest cybersecurity guidelines and news so you can prepare your organization in the most...

How to Meet Biden’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity Requirements

  On May 12, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order designed to improve the nation’s cybersecurity and to better protect federal government networks. The Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity calls for stronger and more layered data security as part of a focus on data-centric security architecture centered around the...

The Top 10 Healthcare Data Breaches of 2020

  2020 Was the Worst – in Healthcare Data Breaches Data breaches can have catastrophic consequences on those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from one. From steep costs and/or fines (in the millions) to a ruined reputation, data breaches are not to be taken lightly. This is especially true for the healthcare industry, where sensitive patient data,...

Improve Your Big Data File Transfers: 11 Security Features to Consider

  New challenges and new opportunities have arisen due to big data, which is altering the nature of file transfer technology. The Good News Big data is leading to new file sharing technology, which is making it easier to solve certain big data file transfer problems. On the other hand, it is increasing the bandwidth requirements companies face,...

Canadian Data Privacy Laws: An Overview

  Awareness and protections around how data containing private information is handled is ramping up across the globe, and Canada is no exception. Current data privacy laws in Canada include measures to protect individual privacy rights, transparency, access, and security. These laws are designed to give the public more control over how their personal...