Online Documentation
Browse our online documentation for questions related to installation and general usage instructions.
Support Forum
Visit GoAnywhere's support forum to search the knowledge base and view community-driven topics. We encourage you to post questions to our support forum, which is monitored by our support staff and our community of users.
Email and Phone Support
GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio is a free tool and does not include email, online chat, or phone support. If you are interested in purchasing annual support for GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio, contact us. In addition, if you need the ability to automate file encryption/decryption or call it from a command line, our GoAnywhere MFT product can provide that functionality for you.

Learn more or take a test drive to automate your Open PGP processes!

Fortra is a member of the Open PGP Alliance
Improve Your File Transfers Today
Is manually encrypting/decrypting and transferring files getting to be too tedious and frequent? Use GoAnywhere MFT to fully automate the process with complete logging and error notification.