

How to Implement RSA SecurID via RADIUS with GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer

Fortra is an RSA® Ready certified partner and has integrated RADIUS and RSA SecurID© within GoAnywhere MFT. Organizations already using RSA Authentication protocols can now easily implement RSA SecurID as a login method to be used by Admin Users, Web Users or as a second login step for Web Users in GoAnywhere MFT. ...

Encryption & Decryption Within a Workflow

This guide will walk through the process of a Project (workflow) that encrypts and decrypts a set of files. Typically, these are not actions that would be done in the same Project, but for the sake of this demonstration, both encryption and decryption will be done in one Project. Getting Started ...


Obtain a quick introduction into the tool Docker.

Configuring Web User Accounts to Receive AS2 Messages

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure Web User accounts in GoAnywhere MFT to send you messages using AS2. Once you have configured the AS2 Service, you’re ready to configure your AS2 trading partner Web User accounts. Each AS2 trading partner must be setup as a Web User in GoAnywhere. In order to provide AS2 file transfer services with your trading partners, you will need to provide...

Automating Project Workflows

Learn the three fastest ways to automate Project workflows in GoAnywhere MFT using Schedules, Monitors and Triggers.

How to Find a File Transfer Solution for Your Cybersecurity Needs

If your organization has already gone through an assessment or a reevaluation of your cybersecurity processes, policies, and tools, chances are you confirmed a need to ensure that the mission-critical and sensitive data you exchange every day must be secured both at rest and in transit. File transfer security is a key element of a...

How Secure Forms Work

Secure Forms allow end users to fill out customized forms with one or more input values and optionally upload files. Users can access Secure Forms through the HTTPS Web Client in GoAnywhere or submit forms by making SOAP or REST requests from custom-built applications. When a form is submitted, a Project in GoAnywhere is executed to automatically process the submitted values and files. This...

Getting Started with your GoAnywhere MFTaaS Trial

GoAnywhere MFT can be deployed in the cloud for both evaluation and production usage. This is a SaaS (software as a service) model in which Fortra will manage the software updates, platform, storage, and backups. This tutorial will step you through the process of creating your GoAnywhere MFT cloud hosted environment for evaluation purposes. ...

Introduction to Clustering

Clustering is the ability to have two or more instances of GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) working together. This is a common setup to increase the power and stability of your environment. First, we will cover the features and benefits of clustering with MFT, then we will go over the requirements for its implementation. ...

Activating a Trial License

Learn how to easily download and activate a GoAnywhere MFT Trial License with the on-screen tutorial provided for you and unlock all of the functionality GoAnywhere MFT has to offer.

Problems Secure File Transfer Solves in Financial Services

Nowhere is trust more important than in the financial services industry. People operate on trust when they invest their life savings in a bank account, build their 401K, take out a life insurance policy, transfer their stocks, or make an online payment. The transactions just work, and – we take for granted – the money is where it should be....

How to Identify Cybersecurity Needs for File Transfers

Cybersecurity. The word or concept seems to arise at some point in nearly every news feed lately. Its prominence has risen over the past few years as the impact of inadequate cybersecurity and very determined cybercriminals is so substantial – whether you’re a small business or a large, sprawling enterprise. Before we dive into how to...

This Month in Cybersecurity: GTA 6 and Uber Hit with Leaks

It seems that bad actors aren’t just related to Hollywood. As technology increases, and organizations invest more in cybersecurity strategies, hackers elevate their own tactics as well. Even major corporations aren’t immune, which only goes to show the importance of pushing for strong solutions to protect your data like with secure file transfer...

How to Query a Database and Write the Data to JSON

Connect to and query a wide variety of database servers including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Derby, Oracle, and DB2. Then, write data to the JSON file format.

What Your Organization Needs to Know About Secure File Transfer

It’s safe to say that the last few years have significantly increased the demand for Secure File Transfer (SFT) solutions such as GoAnywhere MFT. When the pandemic made vast numbers of the working population work from home almost overnight, there was a sudden spike in the requirement for robust and effective SFT. People needed to share documents...

Secure Government Files with a Managed File Transfer Solution

If government IT departments were to debate on key cybersecurity issues, one that likely keeps people up at night is how to help ensure their sensitive, often top-secret, data is secure when being sent in and out of their network. While there may be several candidates in the running to address this cybersecurity issue, a leading solution...
Case Study

Alliant Credit Union Enhances PCI DSS Compliance with GoAnywhere MFT Agents

Industry: Banking & Finance As a member-owned credit union headquartered in Illinois, Alliant Credit Union processes and tracks over 500 file transfers a week. These file transfers must consistently meet the needs of their members and remain 100% PCI DSS compliant. For years, Alliant Credit Union relied on a combination of solutions and manual file transfers to execute their daily business...
Case Study

Ernest Iannucci, Vice President of IT | AF&L Insurance

American Fidelity and Liberty Insurance Ernest Iannucci and his small IT team at American Fidelity and Liberty Insurance found managing data transfers from the SQL database into DB2 tables on the iSeries was eating up significant time and resources, and demand for various reports was heavy, especially at month-end. GoAnywhere helped Ernie's team automate their...