

Overcoming Distance and File Size When Transferring Files

Image How UDP-based Technology Helps with Long Distance and Large File Transfers “Relying on TCP-based file transfer protocols such as SFTP, HTTP, or FTPS on their own if you need to send files lightning-fast, from remote locations, or off-shore, can put you at a strategic disadvantage, as those protocols lack the acceleration and...

Considerations for Cloud File Transfers

Image Whether your organization is debating on moving your file transfer process entirely to the cloud, adopting a hybrid environment, or using a hosted SaaS solution, review the considerations below to help better clarify and get the organizational support needed for a cloud-based file transfer solution.  There are no absolute right...

Fast File Transfer: Obstacles and Options

Image Fast, faster, and fastest. With technology comes the benefit of speed to get through tasks easier and yes, faster. Transferring files is no exception. Organizations want and need files to get to their destination quickly and reliably. What Might Slow Down a File Transfer? Getting that business-critical file where it needs to...

A Perfect Match: GoAnywhere MFT and Open PGP

Image As companies face increasing pressure to keep data safe, encryption protocols like Open PGP provide an increased level of security to do so. An open-source version of PGP (Pretty Good Protection), Open PGP delivers the same level of protection in a publicly available format. Because of its high availability, it enjoys widespread...

Verify Files

Learn how to verify the Open PGP digital signature using a public Open PGP key created or imported to a key store.

Sign Files

Learn how to use Open PGP to sign your files using your secret key to add an extra layer of security for sensitive data.

Key Preferences

With PGP Key Preferences in GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio, learn how to quickly choose which algorithms you want to support with your keys.

Key Manager

The Open PGP Key Manager is your first stop for organizing all your PGP keys. Learn more about the features that you can use.

Microsoft Windows

Installing GoAnywhere Open PGP in Windows is a simple process. Follow these instructions to learn how to easily install GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio in Windows in minutes.

Mac OS X

Easily install Open PGP Studio on a Mac with a few simple steps.

Linux and Unix

Follow these easy instructions for installing GoAnywhere Open PGP Studio in a Linux or Unix-based operating system.

How to Encrypt Files with PGP

File encryption is easy using any of the PGP keys in your Open PGP Studio key store. Learn the process of how to encrypt a file or folder within GoAnywhere.

Encrypt and Sign Files

Text The Open PGP Encrypt and Sign option encrypts and authenticates the file. The file will be encrypted with the public key of the person to whom it is sent and it will be signed with your PGP digital signature created from your own secret key. This...

Decrypt and Verify Files

Text The "Decrypt and Verify File(s)" option in Open PGP Studio allows you to decrypt a file and verify its signature with just a few steps. You will need the corresponding secret key of the PGP public key used to encrypt the files or folders to decrypt a...

7 Scenarios in Which to Use Encryption Software

  Image Not sure what encryption software is used for – or maybe just when to use each type? Discover common file transfer scenarios and which data encryption protocol best fits your needs.   What is Data Encryption Software? Data encryption software, also called file encryption software, solutions come in various forms: free or...

What is PGP Encryption and How to Use It

  Image Encryption is key to securing organizational data in the short term and long. However, there are a few different types of encryption that organizations can use to achieve the optimal level of security. GnuPG is one of the most notable. However, today we’ll break down how PGP encryption works and how to use it to maintain the...

3 Reasons to Enhance MFT With Fast File Transfer Solutions

  Image For many organizations, the first step toward optimizing workflows and sharing information securely is adopting a managed file transfer (MFT) solution. This is a major step that can change a lot in the way organizations conduct their business and the bottom line is that it can be a lucrative and much more secure decision to...

PGP vs. Open PGP: What’s the Difference?

  Image   Encryption standards become more and more important every day. With the rise of data breaches, it’s critical now more than ever for organizations to raise the level at which they protect their information. Partly, educating employees has presented itself as an easy way to make data safer. However, taking the time to choose...