

What is Health Level Seven (HL7)?

    What is HL7?   HL7, short for Health Level Seven, is a set of international Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards used to provide guidance with the transfer and sharing of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various healthcare providers. These standards focus on the Application Layer, or “layer 7” in the...

Can HIPAA-Certified Solutions Really Guarantee Compliance?

  When searching for a new software solution to meet your organization’s needs, it’s easy to see the labels “HIPAA-Certified” or “HIPAA Compliant” and believe your bases are covered. After all, “HIPAA-Certified” means the product or application follows HIPAA’s privacy rules and has everything in place to protect your health and patient information,...

How to Comply with Brazil's Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

  What is Brazil’s LGPD? LGPD stands for Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (General Data Protection Law), which is a law streamlining what was previously 40 separate statutes protecting personal data in Brazil. Academic research and legislation around personal data and privacy has been an active priority in Brazil, culminating in the overarching idea...

Compliance for Healthcare: Secure File Transfer Holds the Key

  Complying with your doctor’s recommendations is the primary key to feeling good and staying healthy. Complying with the healthcare industry’s security standards and personal data protection requirements holds the key to avoiding an audit failure, paying steep fines, or trying to heal from the impact of a data breach. Sure, you can meet stringent...

How to Implement the Right Enterprise File Sharing Solution

  Implementation 101 An enterprise file sharing solution is an important tool for organizations to have. The benefits are practically endless – from ensuring compliance with data regulations, to streamlining transfers with automation, to the auditing and reporting capabilities – implementing the right tool is key. However, the act of implementing the...

Pair Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution with Data Loss Prevention

  Is Your Enterprise File Sharing Solution Enough? Enterprise file sharing solutions are already a great way to encrypt sensitive data in motion, but encryption alone is not enough. Can you ensure that sensitive information is not accidentally transmitted? Are you able to audit who is sending what? And last, but not least, are you protecting your...

German DPAs Announce New Email Encryption Guidance

In May of 2020, substantial guidance on email encryption was issued by the German Data Protection Authorities (German DPAs) specific to personal data transferred via email. These guidelines recommend reducing the risks of a personal data breach with both end-to-end encryption and transport encryption. The new guidelines build on previous requirements,...

Is Dropbox Secure?

  When it comes to file sharing software, Dropbox is often top of mind: many individuals and organizations use it to simplify their file sharing, syncing, and collaboration. But how secure is Dropbox, and is it right for your organization? To break down Dropbox security effectively, we’ll explain what Dropbox is.   What is Dropbox? Dropbox was...

How to Help Ensure Compliance with Data Privacy Laws

  How to Help Ensure Compliance with Data Privacy Laws If complying with data privacy laws like the GDPR, PDPA, CPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, PIPEDA, and more sometimes feels like swimming in alphabet soup, there is a life preserver that can simplify, secure, and automate the processes involved. Managed file transfer can proactively help organizations meet...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps the Healthcare Industry Thrive

  GoAnywhere MFT is Just What the Doctor Ordered The healthcare industry is a complex system full of regulations to comply with and highly sensitive data to move from one location to the next. From dramatic cost cutting, to eliminating manual processes, to strengthening data encryption and more, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) is just what the...

Signs Your Business is Ready for an Enterprise File Transfer Solution

  Follow the Signs If you and your enterprise are needing to regularly transfer sensitive data between users, employees, and trading partners, it’s important to follow the signs. One wrong move, such as the lack of file encryption for transfers, can hit your organization with huge fines for non-compliance. It’s important to avoid these instances of...

GDPR and Data Privacy after Brexit: What’s Next?

  So, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) hit us with a bang in May 2018 and aside from a few high-profile fines, companies seem to be coping well on the whole. But is that really what’s happening or is it like an elegant swan, calm above water but flapping around underneath? It is safe to say that by now companies and employees are very...

Top 3 Things to Look for in a Remote Collaboration Tool

    Feel Like You're Working Together — Even From Apart Finding the best way to securely collaborate on and share files can be difficult in the best of times. With large swathes of people working from home for the first time, finding the solution that meets your business requirements is paramount. Content collaboration tools vary, but fulfill the...

What are Data Silos?

    Standing alone can be an uncomfortable feeling at any gathering. You may only hear part of a conversation; you might not mesh well with the others in the room; you could face a number of awkward silences, and even be rejected completely.   Feeling like a lone wolf at a party is discomforting for sure. Having critical data siloed and inaccessible...

What is EFSS?

  If you’ve ever had to MacGyver a way to send out a too-large file or work with a group of people on a single document, EFSS is probably what you were looking for to make the process painless: it’s a solution that makes sharing files (of any size) and collaborating in one place easy – and secure. EFSS stands for Enterprise File Syncing and Sharing,...

Benefits of a Content Collaboration Platform

    Once upon a time, an organization’s valuable content lived in file drawers with neat little tabbed folders. It also lived on top of desks and on desktops. It lived in saved emails, cloud storage services, and even was embedded in texts. When it was time to share that content however, finding it, working with it, and sending it along often turned...

How Does the DMZ Impact Security?

  Your Secret Weapon for Data Security When weapons and military forces have been removed from active duty, this is referred to as “demilitarization.” On the internet, the demilitarized zone, or the DMZ, is a similar situation. What is the DMZ? The DMZ is the neutral network that resides between the Internet and your organization’s private network....

4 Benefits of On-premises Enterprise File Sync and Sharing

  The value of mission-critical business documents can't be overstated — but lax or renegade employees or trading partners can put your sensitive data at risk with reckless storage or sharing practices. Luckily, knowing that your data hasn't been exposed is as easy as implementing a secure Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solution. There are a...

User Sharing and Collaboration: Security Concerns, Risks, and How to Securely Collaborate

  Collaboration in the Workspace Secure collaboration tools that permit the sharing of sensitive data between users are quickly gaining momentum in the world of technology and file transfer. Although there are many benefits to utilizing these tools in the workspace, with user sharing and secure collaboration comes security concerns and a variety of...

8 Surprising Ways to Use GoAnywhere's Secure Folders Module

    What is Secure Folders? Secure Folders is a licensed module GoAnywhere MFT offers its users. It provides access to authorized files and folders on the server or network location through a HTTPS Web Client. However, it can do so much more with its array of features. Read on to learn 8 surprising ways to use GoAnywhere’s Secure Folders module. 1....