

SaaS vs. Cloud vs. On-Premises: What's the Difference?

  The Best Things Come in Threes SaaS, the cloud, and on-premises are all viable software deployment options when it comes to securing data and running an effective organization. The right option for your organization, however, will depend on your current operating setup, how much time your team can dedicate to upgrades and maintenance, and how...

The IT Pro's Starting Guide to Cloud Computing

  The Complete Guide to Cloud Computing There’s no doubt that cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage, share, and secure data. Cloud computing has been embraced by organizations of all sizes and industries and is expected to be worth $623.3 billion by 2023, according to Markets and Markets. The cloud is essentially a part of...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps Education Receive an A+ in Secure File Transfer

  GoAnywhere MFT is the Best in Class The education industry is entrusted with confidential and high-risk student, faculty, and third-party data all year round. From enrollment material to personal information like social security numbers and employment records, educational institutions must be vigilant in protecting data. No matter if on or off...

How Do I Securely Share and Send Large Files?

  The biggest danger of passing notes in grade school was interception by your teacher (or a box checked “no”) but sending large files these days carries a lot more risk. Messages that you’re sending in a work capacity likely contain information that’s more sensitive than schoolyard gossip or a question for your crush – and the person intercepting it...

How a Data Security Breach Puts Your Organization at Risk

  Data breaches are, unfortunately for organizations everywhere, becoming likely events rather than worst-case scenarios, as more and more organizations are learning. There are a variety of safeguards businesses can implement to reduce their risk, but even with good data security in place, a breach can happen. So, what do you do? And what is the...

Do You Need an MFT Agent?

  Do You Need an MFT Agent? Put your dark sunglasses away. An MFT agent is not going to negotiate a multi-million-dollar deal or book you on that late-night talk show. An MFT agent will, however, deliver real-time remote workflow and file transfers controlled from a central MFT server, saving you time and money. If your organization has multiple...

How's Your File Transfer Process Running?

Is Your File Transfer Process Running Smoothly? Without the right secure file transfer solution in place, transferring files can sometimes feel like being behind the wheel of an outdated clunker on a long road trip to nowhere. If you’re still trying to drive file transfers with any of the following in place, it’s probably time to upgrade your ride: ...

How GoAnywhere MFT Helps the Healthcare Industry Thrive

  GoAnywhere MFT is Just What the Doctor Ordered The healthcare industry is a complex system full of regulations to comply with and highly sensitive data to move from one location to the next. From dramatic cost cutting, to eliminating manual processes, to strengthening data encryption and more, GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) is just what the...

Signs Your Business is Ready for an Enterprise File Transfer Solution

  Follow the Signs If you and your enterprise are needing to regularly transfer sensitive data between users, employees, and trading partners, it’s important to follow the signs. One wrong move, such as the lack of file encryption for transfers, can hit your organization with huge fines for non-compliance. It’s important to avoid these instances of...

What to Consider When Choosing an MFT Solution

  A managed file transfer (MFT) solution simplifies your data security, automation, server-to-sever file transfers, and more. Organizations move from other file transfer methods to MFT solutions for various reasons, but mostly for some combination of: Centralization Time and money savings Increased security Whether your organization is seeking a new...

Why Businesses Need MFT

  Why Businesses Need MFT Reputations can be built or ruined in a matter of a few keystrokes. Just ask any business victimized by a data breach – either malicious or due to human error. The loss of reputation, trust, money, and time can be nearly incalculable. But, it’s not only a data breach that can severely impact a business. Server downtime, an...

7 Benefits of Using Managed File Transfer (MFT)

  Moving beyond the scripts and programs you lovingly set up to carry your data around can be scary but, like pushing a baby bird out of the nest, it eventually becomes necessary. Instead of sending data “in the clear,” constantly fixing scripts, or mad dashes to pull together audit logs, switch to a secure file transfer method that handles the tricky...

Key Cybersecurity Takeaways from the EasyJet Data Breach

  A data breach can wreak financial and logistical havoc for companies who experience them, not to mention customers, employees, and others who depend on or work with the breached organization. And even though it seems like data breaches are becoming more pervasive, they continue to severely impact organizations’ carefully built reputations – and may...

Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So!

  Use Caution When Transferring Large Files – Mom Says So! “Drive carefully,” Eat your vegetables,” “Share those toys with your brother,” “Think again about how you’re transferring all those large files!” You know, your mom’s right. She usually is. And, when it comes to transferring big files, it IS smart to adopt a best practices approach when it...

Replace Your FTP Scripts to Increase Security

  One too many things has gone wrong: a file didn’t arrive at its destination and you’re not sure why; your developer is out of office and you need to make a small change to your file transfer script; you logged into five different tools to schedule a simple transfer. And suddenly you realize: the time has come to move away from FTP scripts. At one...

Benefits of Single Sign-on (SSO)

  More than one is usually a good thing. More french fries, more vacation days, more friends. More usernames and passwords? Not so much. Organizations are increasingly turning to single sign-on (SSO) to lessen the burden of employees needing to remember endless usernames and passwords to access all the applications, websites and data to do their daily...

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

  Virtual Hug Coming Your Way As workforces are now more remote than ever due to COVID-19, it’s not just lagging Wi-Fi you need to keep an eye on. Files containing your organization’s most sensitive data are being put to the test, most likely no longer within the safety of your company’s firewall and not secure enough to transfer without a second...

What’s the Difference Between the Cloud and SaaS?

    The Cloud vs. SaaS The cloud and SaaS may seem interchangeable when you consider their similarities. However, these two terms refer to very different things, both with their own defining characteristics.   What is the Cloud? Although the cloud has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, it’s okay to not be 100% sure what...

How MFT Helps with Vendor Management

    The Role MFT Plays   In order to sustain, grow, and maintain daily business tasks, many organizations open the door to outside vendors and other third parties for additional support. Although this is very much necessary to do business, this can also leave the door wide open to potential threats. Even when working with a trusted and...

The 2020 MFT Data Quadrant Report is Here

  Find Out Why We're #1 It's a new year, and with a new year brings a new Info-Tech Managed File Transfer Data Quadrant Report. We’re pretty excited with our ranking this year (hint: #1) and we wanted to share the news, plus highlight some of the areas we excelled in. The Overall Composite Score + NET Emotional Footprint Info-Tech's MFT Data...