Ensuring the privacy and integrity of your data is vital, whether it's stored to disk or transmitted outside your organization. Sending an encrypted file transfer of sensitive data is essential for compliance with PCI DSS, state privacy laws, and federal regulations such as HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley.
GoAnywhere MFT Encryption Technologies
GoAnywhere implements several popular technologies for encrypted file sharing and transfers. Click the links below to learn more
Achieve Encrypted File Sharing and Transfers with GoAnywhere
Obtain a personalized quote based on the managed file transfer features you need.
Why Protect Your Files With a File Transfer Software?
Watch this short video for a brief overview of the best ways to ensure documents, emails, and databases are encrypted.
Encrypt with GoAnywhere MFT
Protect your files at rest and in motion with GoAnywhere MFT. See these tutorials for how to use GoAnywhere to encrypt your files and learn how MFT works to protect your data.
Getting Started with Projects
This guide is an overview of how to design Projects to encrypt data, transfer, and automated processes.
How to Encrypt and Sign Files Using PGP
Protect your sensitive information with PGP encryption, and ensure you’re sharing your files safely. This tutorial walks through how to import PGP keys and use them to encrypt and sign files.